
Wednesday, 12 December 2018

How to Reset VMC on AWS Cloudadmin User Account Password?

The vCenter Single Sign-On administrator is cloudadmin@vmc.local. The VMC Console displays this password when you open the vCenter instance - it's the password that you copy into the vCenter Single Sign-On screen. You can change this password from the vSphere Client. If you do, the password that the VMC Console displays is no longer correct.

If you reset the password for the cloudadmin@vmc.local user and you forget the password, contact VMware Technical Support. You cannot reset this password. 

The password for cloudadmin@vmc.local never expires, but it follows the password policy.

How to Change Cloudadmin User Password:-
1. Open vmc on aws SDDC vCenter > Click on Administration from Menu > Click on Users and Groups Under SSO

 2. Click on Edit

3. Type New Password > Click Ok

Tuesday, 11 December 2018

VMC on AWS Roadmap

VMC on AWS has very fast release phase as new features are constantly developed, tested and added.
If you want to know the product Roadmap, here is link to get Roadmap Information

Roadmap Link

Roadmap Categories:-
Roadmap is categorized in to Four Categories and these categories are:-
1. Available
2. Preview
3. Developing
4. Planned
Image Source:VMware
Image Source:VMware

Monday, 10 December 2018

VMC on AWS Pricing

If you want to know VMC on AWS Pricing there is Pricing Page Available. Which can be referred to know Pricing on this offering

Disclaimer = Pricing is subject to Change. Please refer VMware Website For Latest Pricing Information

VMware Cloud on AWS service provides simple yet flexible options to consume VMware’s powerful software capabilities and AWS’s elastic, bare-metal infrastructure as a combined offering that can be purchased on-demand, or as 1-year or 3-year subscription. Host configuration: Each SDDC host has 2 CPUs, 36 cores, 512GB RAM, NVMe attached flash storage (3.6 TB cache plus 10.7 TB raw capacity tier). Minimum required configuration for production environment is 3 hosts per cluster. Above the minimum, hosts can be added or removed in 1 unit increments.



Cost Estimator
If you want to Estimate the Cost, Here you can use Cost Estimator

Source: VMware

Cost Estimator Tools


As VMC on AWS is hot topic in the market. If you have some question on VMC on AWS. I hope this FAQs might be informative:-

FAQs link

Max. Number of Clusters Supported in VMC on AWS SDDC

In VMC on AWS, one can create either Stretched Cluster or Non-Stretched Cluster SDDC

Stretched Cluster SDDC
You can  keep Max. 1 Stretched Cluster Cluster in Stretched Cluster SDDC. Check the Screenshot shared below, as there is no option to add new cluster:-

Non-Stretched Cluster SDDC
You can keep Max. 10 Non-Stretched Clusters in Non-Stretched Cluster SDDC. Check the Screenshot shared below:-

Sunday, 9 December 2018

Features Supported by NSX-V and NSX-T in VMC on AWS

SDDC's in VMC on AWS either uses NSX-T or NSX-V. In my previous post i have shared how can you find out whether your SDDC is backed by NSX-V or NSX-T now If you want to know what are the features supported by NSX-V or NSX-T in VMC on AWS, check this table:-

Image Credit-VMware
Refer this link for detailed Info

How to Identify VMC on AWS SDDC is Using NSX for vSphere or NSX-T?

1. Connect with
2. Login with your email ID
3. Click on View Details of your SDDC
4. Check the name of Tab available for Network Settings

Saturday, 1 December 2018

vRA 7.5 - No More Goal Navigator

Those who worked with previous vRA version they must have seen "Goal Navigator" to access the options and it guides you through high level goals that you might want to accomplish in VRA. Even these options can be directly accessed through tabs what you can access from Goal Navigator. But It's Removed in vRA 7.5

I believe reason of removing this option is New Simplified UI

vRA 7.5 New UI - No More Home, Requests and Items Tab

If you haven't upgraded your environment to vRA 7.5 yet then you might have heard about new UI of vRA 7.5. Let me share few details about changes in Home, Requests and Items Tab.

1. Home Tab is Removed

2. Requests and Items Tabs are Replaced with Deployments Tab. Now Same Tab you can use to Check Provisioned Items as well as requests status.

To know what are the other new changes you will see in this Release check this blogpost

Unable to Create New Blueprint in vRA 7.5

After recently upgrading my environment from vRA 7.3 to vRA 7.5, i was unable to create new blueprint as blueprint area was blank in Design Tab like the screenshot shared below:-

I was using Internet Explorer 11. I have cross checked in the Support Matrix Guide whether it is supported of not but it is supported version of IE. Later on i tried accessing this vRA Environment from Google Chrome and it worked.
If anyone else also faced the same issue, let me know in the comment box.