
Thursday, 30 May 2019

Customize Horizon VIew Connection Server Landing Page Background Image

 Default Landing Page
To Change Background of this Landing Page:-
1. Connect with Connection Server Machine
2. Navigate to this directory
C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware View\Server\broker\webapps\portal\webclient\icons-6510409
3. There you will get the file
bg_image = Resolution of this image is 2560x1440
Replace this file with Same Resolution another new file and give the same name to new file

4. Now restart Horizon VIew Connection Server Service
5. Open

Bingo!!!!! It's Succeeded

I have tried this on Horizon View 7.3 Version

How to Identify which Horizon Connection is installed as Standard or Replica?

Although it doesn't matter which connection server is standard and which one is replica, the only difference here is who creates the new ADAM database and who connects with the existing database.
To Identify this:-
1. Connect with One of the Connection Server
2. Run
3. Then Navigate to this location

If the Value is :-
1 = It is Standard Connection Server
2 = It is Replica Connection Server


Wednesday, 29 May 2019

How to Find Out which Replica Disk is Used by Linked Clone VM

Scenario : Customer was looking for knowing that which Replica Disk your linked clone VM is using, so that they can power off one of vm associated with that replica  and recompose can create new replica disk only for that datastore VM.

How to Find Out this Info:
1. Login to ESXi Shell
2. Execute this command
find /vmfs/volumes/ \( -size -1500c \) -name *.vmdk -exec grep replica {} -H \; | grep 'parentFileNameHint=' > replicalist.txt

3. Then Execute this command
sed s/:/'-->>'/ < replicalist.txt >replicalist2.txt

4. Run this command
Cat replicalist2.txt

You will get output like this:-

Instant Clone Desktop Pool Provisioning Error - Instant Clone Desktop Pool Provisioning Error - Initial Publish Failed: Fault type is VC_FAULT_FATAL

My Instant Desktop Provisioning was getting Failed with Error Message "Initial Publish Failed: Fault type is VC_FAULT_FATAL"

In my case Issue was with Horizon Agent, as it was not installed with Instant Clone Agent. I have re-installed the agent and issue got fixed.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Horizon 7.7 Supports vCenter Deployed on VMC on AWS

Horizon 7.7 Supports vCenter Deployed on VMC on AWS, while adding the vCenter Server this will be asked.

Friday, 24 May 2019

What's New in VMware vRealize Automation 7.6 - In Brief

Install and configure
  • New VAMI UI summary page
  • New VAMI Additional cluster health alerts that are configurable
  • SNMP service - facilitates the monitoring of the vRA node resources such as CPU, Memory and many other. Configurable to actively monitor resources and send snmp trap when certain threshold is exceeded, API available
Upgrade enhancements:
  • Bug fixes and small enhancements
  • Upgrade will back up all configuration files
  • API improvements – fine grained progress reporting at API level
  • Upgrade flow is now more configurable - some of the steps could be configured for later execution
Custom Forms Enhancements - Providing a higher level of flexibility for customers wishing to customize and enhance their request forms in vRA
  • Datagrid Enhancements – Blueprint-defined disks are read-only, cell validation, and field refresh when rows are added, removed, or edited
  • Added dual list selector component
  • Added multiple selector component for complex objects
  • Added link component
NSX Integration - Support NSX-V to NSX-T migrations
  • On-demand private networks for NSX-V
  • Support for NSX-T and NSX-V configured for different clusters on a single vCenter

vRO UI Enhancements - Improved user experience for customers creating workflows with vRO
  • Enhancements across Design, Content Management and Troubleshooting in the Web client (refer to vRO What's new and release notes for more detailed information)
 Get More Details about Enhancements From Here

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Releasing IP Addresses By Destroying Provisioned Machines

When you destroy a deployment, its IP addresses are deleted. The allocated IPs, for example the IPS in a network profile range, are released and made available for subsequent provisioning.

When you destroy a machine that has a static IP address, its IP address is made available for other machines to use. Unused addresses might not be available immediately because the process to reclaim static IP addresses runs every 30 minutes.

If you are using a third-party IPAM provider, vRealize Automation deletes the associated IP addresses by using the vRealize Orchestrator workflow in the third-party IPAM provider plug-in or package.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Ping and vmkping - no longer two different commands in ESXi

Ping and vmkping used to be two different commands but these are not two different commands. Many years ago this change was made in the product. This is one of the feature which is not noticed by many of the admins.

Just check this directory:-
ls -l /bin/ping
ping is now linked with vmkping

ping --help

vmkping --help
Notice there is no change here in output

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

When Networking Configuration Operation Is Rolled Back and a Host Is Disconnected from vCenter Server?

In vSphere 5.1 or later, an attempt to perform a networking configuration operation on a vSphere Distributed Switch on a host, such as creating a virtual machine adapter or a port group, causes the host to disconnect from vCenter Server and results in the error message Transaction has rolled back on the host.

Under stressful conditions on a host, that is, if many concurrent networking operations compete for limited resources, the time to perform some of the operations might exceed the default timeout for rollback of network configuration operations on the distributed switch. As a result, these operations are rolled back.

For example, such a condition might come up when you create a VMkernel adapter on a host that has a very high number of switch ports or virtual adapters, all of which consume system resources on the host.

The default timeout to roll an operation back is 30 seconds.

To Change this Timeout 
1. Select vCenter Server in Inventory
2. Click on Manage Tab
3. Settings > Advanced Settings
4. Find out this Property ---- 
If present Modify the Value. If not present create it and enter the value. Value will be in Seconds. > Click OK
5. Restart vCenter Server