
Thursday, 3 October 2013

Excluding virtual machines from a specific alarm (2007767)


This article provides steps to exclude one or more virtual machines from a specific alarm.
You may want to exclude virtual machines from a specific alarm if, for example, a third party application is causing excessive usage.


These example steps show you how to exclude a virtual machine from virtual machine CPU usage:
  1. Log into the vSphere Client as an Administrator.
  2. Disable the alarm:
    1. Navigate to Home > Inventory > VMs and Templates and select your vCenter Server.
    2. the Alarms tab.
    3. Click Definitions.
    4. Right-click the virtual machine CPU usage entry and click Edit Settings.
    5. Deselect Enable this alarm.
    6. Click OK.
  3. Right-click your datacenter and choose New Folder.
  4. Give the new folder a descriptive name (such as Virtual Machine CPU monitoring).
  5. Click the Alarms tab.
  6. Click Definitions.
  7. In the Definitions pane, right-click and chose New Alarm.
  8. Enter in an alarm name and description.
  9. Click the Triggers tab.
  10. Click Add.
  11. Modify the Trigger Type, Condition, Warning, Condition Length, Alert, Condition Length as needed.

    Note: It may appear as the fields cannot be modified. Click under each field and a dropdown arrow appears.
  12. Check the Reporting and Actions tabs and make any changes as necessary.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Drag the virtual machines that you want to monitor CPU usage to the Virtual Machine CPU monitoring folder.

    Verify the new alarm has been applied to the folder Virtual Machine CPU monitoring alarm tab and that the virtual machines to be monitored are in that folder. Any virtual machine that is not in the above folder will not have its CPU usage monitored.

    Note: Virtual machines can only be in one folder so there are limits to how far you can customize alarms using this method.


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