
Sunday, 2 February 2014

vicfg-authconfig Command


vicfg-authconfig - manage Active Directory authentication schemes.


          [--adpassword |
           --adusername |
           --authscheme |
           --currentdomain |
           --force |
           --getremoteauthstore |
           --help |
           --leavecurrentdomain |


List information about Active Directory domains for a host, join an Active Directory domain, or leave the current domain.


--adpassword | -w <password>
Password with which to log into the domain controller. Use this option with the --joindomain option. If you do not specify an AD password at the command line, the system prompts you.
--adusername | -U <name>
User name with which to log in to the domain controller. Use this option with the --joindomain option. If you do not specify an AD user at the command line, the system prompts you.
--authscheme | -t AD
The authentication scheme to be configured. Currently the only supported argument is AD.
Specifies the target server and authentication information if required. Run vicfg-authconfig --help for a list of all connection options.
--currentdomain | -c
Displays the currently joined domain. Use this option in conjunction with the --authscheme option. This option takes no arguments.
--force | -f
Use this option with the --leavecurrentdomain option to delete any AD user permissions on entities. If you run vicfig-authcfg --leavecurrentdomain, AD user permissions are present, and you do not use --force, the operation fails.
--getremoteauthstore | -a
Prints the active authentication mechanisms. This option takes no arguments.
Prints a help message for each command-specific and each connection option. Calling the command with no arguments or with --help has the same effect.
--joindomain | -j <domain_FQDN>
Joins the specified Active Directory domain. Use this option with the --authscheme option. This option takes in the FQDN of the directory server as the argument.
--leavecurrentdomain | -L
Leaves the currently joined domain. Use this option with the --authscheme option. If AD user permissions on entities exist, the operation fails unless you specify--force. This option takes no arguments.
--listauthstores | -l
Prints the supported authentication mechanisms. This option takes no arguments.
--vihost | -h <esx_host>
When you execute a vSphere CLI with the --server option pointing to a vCenter Server system, use --vihost to specify the ESX/ESXi host to run the command against.


The following examples assume you are specifying connection options, either explicitly or, for example, by specifying the server, user name, and password. Run vicfg-authconfig --help for a list of common options including connection options.
List the supported authentication schemes:
 vicfg-authconfig <conn_options> --listauthstores
Get the currently set authentication schemes:
 vicfg-authconfig <conn_options> --getremoteauthstore
Join the specified AD Domain:
 vicfg-authconfig <conn_options> <ad_conn_options> --authscheme AD --joindomain <domain_FQDN>
Leave the current AD Domain:
 vicfg-authconfig <conn_options> --authscheme AD --leavecurrentdomain [--force]
Display the current AD Domain:
 vicfg-authconfig <conn_options> --authscheme AD --currentdomain

Thanks to Vmware Documentation

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