
Monday, 25 August 2014

Installing SRM to Use with a Shared Recovery Site

With SRM, you can connect multiple protected sites to a single recovery site. The virtual machines on the protected sites all recover to the same recovery site. This configuration is known as a shared recovery site, a many-to-one, or an N:1 configuration.
In the standard one-to-one SRM configuration, you use SRM to protect a specific instance of vCenter Server by pairing it with another vCenter Server instance. The first vCenter Server instance, the protected site, recovers virtual machines to the second vCenter Server instance, the recovery site.
Another example is to have multiple protected sites that you configure to recover to a single, shared recovery site. For example, an organization can provide a single recovery site with which multiple protected sites for remote field offices can connect. Another example for a shared recovery site is for a service provider that offers business continuity services to multiple customers.
In a shared recovery site configuration, you install one SRM Server instance on each protected site. On the recovery site, you install multiple SRM Serverinstances to pair with each SRM Server instance on the protected sites. All of the SRM Server instances on the shared recovery site connect to the same vCenter Server instance. You can consider the owner of an SRM Server pair to be a customer of the shared recovery site.
You can use either array-based replication or vSphere Replication or a combination of both when you configure SRM Server to use a shared recovery site.

An organization has two field offices and a head office. Each of the field offices is a protected site. The head office acts as the recovery site for both of the field offices. Each field office has an SRM Server instance and a vCenter Server instance. The head office has two SRM Server instances, each of which is paired with an SRM Server in one of the field offices. Both of the SRM Server instances at the head office extend a single vCenter Server instance.

Field office 1

SRM Server A
vCenter Server A
Field office 2

SRM Server B
vCenter Server B
Head office

SRM Server C, that is paired with SRM Server A
SRM Server D, that is paired with SRM Server B
vCenter Server C, that is extended by SRM Server C and SRM Server D

Example of Using SRM in a Shared Recovery Site Configuration
Architecture of SRM in a Shared Recovery Site Configuration
VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager (SRM) is a disaster recovery product which uses array replication technologies to failover from one site to another. Shared Recovery Site (also called N-to-1) is a new feature of SRM 4.x and 5.0. This feature allows the management of multiple SRM environments by a single vCenter 4.x or 5.x instance on the recovery side. Each environment is identified by a custom plug-in named extension.
Note: Shared Recovery Site is not supported on the protected site. It is only supported on the recovery site.
To enable the Shared Recovery Site feature during the SRM installation, the command line option CUSTOM_SETUP=1 must be passed as an argument to the installer when deploying SRM. This option opens additional windows during the installation which allow a user to create a custom SRM plug-in identifier. These windows are not visible during a standard SRM install. This identifier must be created on both the protected SRM site and the recovery SRM site. The custom SRM plug-in identifier must be identical on the source and the target side.

For further/related information, see:
Here is an example of the command line to install SRM 4.0 with the Shared Recovery Site feature :
"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Software\SRM\VMware-srm-4.0.0-175235.exe" /V"CUSTOM_SETUP=1"
The procedure is the same for SRM 4.1 and 5.x

For step-by-step instructions to deploy SRM with the Shared Recovery Site feature, watch this video:
*If you find the video does not play, try updating your flash player.
**To watch the video in full-screen, choose the full-screen option at the bottom right of the player.

Additional Information

For each shared recovery site customer, you must install SRM once at the production/protected site and again at the recovery site using the same custom extension at both sites. Each shared recovery site SRM server installation must have a dedicated windows server (virtual or physical machine). You cannot install multiple instances of the SRM server on a single host.

Installing SRM with a custom extension does not preclude you from creating an additional installation, extending the same instance of vCenter that uses the default extension. Similarly, installing SRM with the default extension does not preclude you from creating an additional installation, extending the same instance of vCenter that uses a custom extension. You can run SRM with custom extensions only; the default extension is not a requirement.
Thanks to VMware Documentation
Source KB:-


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