
Saturday, 14 February 2015

Teardown vs Deployment in vFabric Application Director 6.x

Teardown the Deployment

In vFabric Application Director, you can start the teardown process to remove the vCloud Director vApp and associated virtual machines or Amazon EC2 instances from the cloud environment. You can teardown a deployed application from the vFabric Application Director user interface or the command-line interface. If a deployment fails after installing one or more virtual machines that are part of an application, or if an application is not used, you can use vFabric Application Director to teardown the application. All virtual machines in the application are removed from their hosts in the cloud. Deployment teardown from the cloud does not remove the deployment record from the Deployments page in vFabric Application Director.

  1. Verify that your user account has the ROLE_DEPLOYER deployer role assigned to it 
  2. Verify that the virtual machines that are part of the application still exist in the cloud. If, for example, your environment has a policy of deleting virtual machines after a certain number of days, the virtual machines might already be deleted.

  1. On the vFabric Application Director title bar, click the drop-down menu and select Deployments.
  2. From the list of deployed applications, select the application to teardown. 
  3. Click Teardown in the toolbar above the deployment summary.
  4. Confirm the teardown.
  5. (Optional) If the teardown process fails, repeat the process. 
Above the task status windows, the task timeline shows the status of the teardown process. After the virtual machines are deleted successfully from their hosts in the cloud, the status appears in the Task Summary section and in the overall deployment status.

      After a teardown process is initiated, you cannot update the deployed virtual machines even if the teardown process fails and the virtual machines exist in the cloud environment. Ask your cloud administrator to teardown the deployment from the cloud. 

Deleting the Deployment

After you remove an application from the cloud, or if you do not need details for a particular deployment, you can delete the deployment from the Deployments page in vFabric Application Director.

Deleting a deployment from the Deployments page in vFabric Application Director does not delete the deployed application, vApp and its virtual machines, or Amazon EC2 instance from the cloud.

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