
Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Adding Physical HP Endpoints in vCAC a.k.a vRA 6.x Creating Reservation - Part 2

Physical reservations are different in nature than a virtual reservation. Unlike virtual reservations we cannot dynamically assign Memory, CPU, Disks, or network adapters. We are stuck with what is in the physical machine. When we talk about self-service and automation it poses an interesting problem. How do we allow users to request a physical server that meets their needs.
The Physical Reservations combined with Physical Blueprints in vCAC help us solve this problem. In this article we are talking about Physical HP servers, and if we had a rack loaded full of servers it’s highly probable they wouldn’t be exactly the same. That’s fine we can add as many physical servers of varying configurations as we need to a reservation in vCAC. A physical Hp server reservation in vCAC is simply a collection of Physical HP servers managed through their iLo interfaces.
If you have reviewed Adding Physical HP iLo EndPoints you would have noticed that every physical server requires an endpoint. Once the endpoint is created vCAC does a discovery and learns about the physical specs of the server. A resource is then created for that server that can be added to a physical reservation.

Creating the reservation

  1. Start by going to Infrastructure -> Reservations -> Reservations and from the “New Reservations” menu select Physical.
  2. vcac601pr-0
  3. Give your new reservation a Name, Select the Tenant, Select the Business Group, and assign a priority.
  4. vcac601pr-2
  5. Next select the resources tab and click “Add Machine”.
  6. vcac601pr-2
  7. Select the machine(s) you would like to add to the reservation and click “ok”.
  8. vcac601pr-3
  9. Next select the alerts tab, configure the appropriate alert thresholds, configure the email address and select “ok” to finish creating the reservation.
  10. vcac601pr-4

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