
Saturday, 26 December 2015

vRealize Code Stream – vRCS 1.x – Installation and Configuration

For those of you who are fortunate enough to be able to get a trial for Code Stream this article will walk you through the installation and initial configuration of the product.  Code stream as the name suggest is part of the vRealize product line and shares the same identity appliance and virtual appliance as vRealize Automation.  Because of this I will be referring to articles I have already written for portions of the installation in an effort to not re-invent the wheel.

Installing vRealize Code Stream

1. For instructions on how to install the vRealize Code Stream Identity Appliance please see Installing the vCAC 6.0 Identity Server.
*Note – The instructions in the above referenced article may vary slightly from vRCS 6.0 identity appliance, however it should be close enough that you should not have any issues following along.
It is recommended that you configure the Active Directory settings in the Identity Applaince which is not covered in the above post, but is straight forward.
2. For instructions on how to install the vRealize Code Stream Virtual Appliance please see Installing the vCAC 6.0 Virtual Appliance.
*Note – The instructions in the above referenced article may vary slightly from the vRCS Virtual Appliance, however it should be close enough that you should not have any issues following along.
On step 21 input the Code Stream License Key instead of the vRA license key, or both if you like.
3. For instructions on how to setup Tenants in vRealize Code Stream please see Adding Tenants in vRealize Autoamtion 6.x.
On step 7 you will not be able to add a user to the “Infrastructure Administrator” role as that is a construct of vRealize Automation.  If you are running code stream and vRealize Automation on the same virtual appliance you can add users/groups to this role.

Configuring vRealize Code Stream

Now that you have Code Stream installed we need to do some additional configuration to get things going.
First we need to grant your users/groups to the appropriate rolls for Code Stream in the vRrealize Appliance.

Assign Users to Roles

1. Login in to the tenant you just created by going to https://vrcs_url/vcac/org/tenant
2. Navigate to Administration –> Users & Groups –> Custom Groups and click on the +Add option.
3. Give the group a name and select the roles to assign to the group.  I am selecting all the roles so i don’t need to login and out as I take screenshots, however you may not need to assign your account Approval or Tenant Administrator.  When finished click Next.
4. Add your user account and any other users you like to the group and click add.

Configure Artifactory

vRealize Code Stream includes a fully licensed copy of Jfrogs Artifactory server.  The bundled artifactory server is used by Code Stream for artifact management.  In the follow steps we will perform some basic configuration of the artifactory server and make it available for use with vRealize Code Stream.
Change the Artifactory Password
1. Go to the Artifactory web interface at https://vrcs-hostname/artifactory/
2. Login with the following creentials:
Username: vmadmin
Password: vmware
3. Go to the Admin tab on the top menu and then select Users on the left menu.
4. Select the vmadmin account and change the account password.

Register artifactory with vRealize Code Stream

Next we need to register the artifactory server for use with the vRealize Code Stream.
1. Login to vRealize Code stream and navigate to Administration –> Artifact Management and input the URl, Username, and Password to your artifactory server.  Basicallt the info we just used above,
Next we need to register our Jenkins server with the vRealize Orchestrator Server that is bundled with the vRealize Code Stream Server.  To do this we need to connect to the vCO Server using the vCrealize Orchestrator Java Client.

Connecting vRealize Orchestrator to Jenkins

1. Navigate to https://vrcs_host/ you will find a landing page with link to different links.  One of the links is for the Orchestrator Client.
2. Click on the “vRealize Orchestrator Client” and save the downloaded client.jnlp file.  Once you save the client.jnlp file open it.  This will launch the vRealize Orchestrator Java client.
3. Login as administrator@vsphere.local with the password you set earlier in the installation and configuration.  Once logged in select the wokflow item, expand library and then expand RPTestJenkins, and run “Add a RPTestJenkins Instance” workflow.
4. Fill out the information for your Jenkins server and click submit.
That concludes the basic installation and minimal configuration for Code Stream.  I will be covering adding Artifactory to Jenkins as well as adding vRealize Automation for use with Code Stream in separate articles.

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