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Wednesday, 31 August 2016

Enable the Copy and Paste in VMRC (Virtual Machine Remote Console)

By default Copy and Paste Options in VMRC. Now how can you enable this?
1. Enable it For the Specific VM
 Select VM > Edit Settings > VM Options > Advanced > Edit Configuration >

2. Enable it At the Host Level (this will be enabled for all the vm's running on that host)
Open the /etc/vmware/config file using a text editor.
Add these entries to the file: 
vmx.fullpath = "/bin/vmx""FALSE""FALSE"

Save and Close the File.

Monday, 22 August 2016

Error "Cannot complete the requested operation: Resource not found" when creating the business group

When i was creating the business group in vRA i was getting this error message "Cannot complete the requested operation: Resource not found". I was scratching my head to know that what could be the reason of this error then finally i was able to find out the solution of this issue and Solution is "Do not create vRA Business group with name that contain spaces"

VMware vCloud Director - 5.6, 8.0, 8.10 Confiuguration Maximums

Thursday, 18 August 2016

VMware Lifecycle Product Matrix

Comparison of Hypervisor Based Replication solutions

I got this features comparison document between different hypervisor based replication solutions. Although i am not the publisher of this document so all credit goes to the Zerto team who created it. As i am unable to find out the proper link that i can share with everyone but anyone can download it from here.

VMware SRM 6.x Editions

SRM is DR Automation tool from VMware. From the licensing point of Site Recovery Manager can be purchased either as a standalone product or as part of VMware vCloud Suite® Enterprise Edition. As a standalone product, Site Recovery Manager is available in two editions, Standard and Enterprise. Both editions can only be licensed “per protected virtual machine.” A “protected virtual machine” is defined as a VM that is part of an SRM protection group, regardless of the state of the VM. Site Recovery Manager Enterprise Edition can also be purchased as part of vCloud Suite Enterprise Edition. In this case, Site Recovery Manager is licensed per “per protected processor.” Let's discuss what's the difference in between these two editions?

Monday, 15 August 2016

What is VIO (VMware Integrated Openstack)?

VMware Integrated OpenStack is a VMware supported OpenStack distribution (distro) that makes it easier for IT to run a production-grade OpenStack-based deployment on top of their existing VMware infrastructure. Building on their existing expertise, VMware administrators can foster innovation and agility by providing their developers with simple vendor-neutral OpenStack APIs on top of VMware’s best-of-breed SoftwareDefined Data Center (SDDC) infrastructure. Key administration capabilities, including install, upgrade, troubleshooting, and cost-visibility are provided via deep integration with already familiar VMware management tools, enabling fast time to innovation and lower total cost of ownership.
Image thanks to VMware
• OpenStack Powered Platform Certified (DefCore 2015.04)
• Enterprise Grade OpenStack Cloud
• No OpenStack PhD Required
• Simplified OpenStack Operations
• Single Vendor Support
• Free for all VMware vSphere® Enterprise Plus customers, including vSphere with Operations Management™ Enterprise Plus and vCloud Suite® customers

NSX and VIO Interoperability:-

VSAN and VIO Interoperability:-

Refer this for Interoperability Matrix:-

For more info:-

Monday, 8 August 2016

Roles assigned to Configurationadmin account in vRA7

A configuration admin user is created and a configuration catalog item is created in the default tenant. The configuration admin is granted the following rights:
Approval Administrator
Catalog Administrator
IaaS Administrator
Infrastructure Architect
Tenant Administrator
XaaS Architect

Rollback vRA Minimal and Distributed Installations

vRA has two types of installation:-
1. Minimal Installation
2. Distributed Installation

If installation is failed then follow the procedure given below for the rollback

A system administrator must manually remove some files and revert the database to completely uninstall a failed vRealize Automation IaaS installation.


If the following components are present, uninstall them with the Windows uninstaller.

vRealize Automation Agents
vRealize Automation DEM-Worker
vRealize Automation DEM-Orchestrator
vRealize Automation Server
vRealize Automation WAPI

If you see the following message, restart the machine and then follow the steps in this procedure: Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and it is writable

If the Windows system has been reverted or you have uninstalled IaaS, you must run the iisreset command before you reinstall vRealize AutomationIaaS.

Revert your database to the state it was in before the installation was started. The method you use depends on the original database installation mode.

In IIS (Internet Information Services Manager) select Default Web Site (or your custom site) and click Bindings. Remove the https binding (defaults to 443).

Check that the Applications Repository, vRealize Automation and WAPI have been deleted and that the application pools RepositoryAppPool, vCACAppPool, WapiAppPool have also been deleted.

The installation is completely removed.

A system administrator must manually remove some files and revert the database to completely uninstall a failed IaaS installation.


If the following components are present, uninstall them with the Windows uninstaller.

vRealize Automation Server
vRealize Automation WAPI

If you see the following message, restart the machine and then follow this procedure: Error opening installation log file. Verify that the specified log file location exists and it is writable.

If the Windows system has been reverted or you have uninstalled IaaS, you must run the iisreset command before you reinstall vRealize AutomationIaaS.

Revert your database to the state it was in before the installation was started. The method you use depends on the original database installation mode.

In IIS (Internet Information Services Manager) select the Default Web Site (or your custom site) and click Bindings. Remove the https binding (defaults to 443).

Check that the Applications Repository, vCAC and WAPI have been deleted and that the application pools RepositoryAppPool, vCACAppPool, WapiAppPool have also been deleted.

Roll Back Failure Points
Failure Point
Installing Manager Service
If present, uninstall vCloud Automation Center Server.
Installing DEM-Orchestrator
If present, uninstall the DEM Orchestrator .
Installing DEM-Worker
If present, uninstall all DEM Workers
Installing an Agent
If present, uninstall all vRealize Automation agents.