Today when i was trying to power on one of my VM in vSphere 6 Environment it's getting failed with message "A general system error occurred: Connection refused".
Then i tried to power on this VM by directly connecting with my ESXi Host from vSphere Client and i was able to power on my vm then question was why i cannot start the same VM if i am connected with my ESXi host through vCenter. Then i found a KB article from VMware on How to start/stop the services in vCenter Server Appliance Version 6.
VMware vCenter Workflow Manager Service was Stopped.
1. To get in to vCSA 6.0 Shell
(a). I accessed my vCSA 6.0 through Putty
(b). Then to enable BASH access i executed this command
shell.set --enabled True
(c) Then to Launch BASH i executed this command
service-control --status vmware-vpx-workflow
Start the VMware vCenter Workflow Manager Service
service-control --start vmware-vpx-workflow
After this i tried to Power On the VM again and i was able to power it on.
vCenter Server Appliance services:-
Service Name | Description |
applmgmt | VMware Appliance Management Service |
vmware-cis-license | VMware License Service |
vmware-cm | VMware Component Manager |
vmware-eam | VMware ESX Agent Manager |
vmware-sts-idmd | VMware Identity Management Service |
vmware-invsvc | VMware Inventory Service |
vmware-mbcs | VMware Message Bus Configuration Service |
vmware-netdumper | VMware vSphere ESXi Dump Collector |
vmware-perfcharts | VMware Performance Charts |
vmware-rbd-watchdog | VMware vSphere Auto Deploy Waiter |
vmware-rhttpproxy | VMware HTTP Reverse Proxy |
vmware-sca | VMware Service Control Agent |
vmware-sps | VMware vSphere Profile-Driven Storage Service |
vmware-stsd | VMware Security Token Service |
vmware-syslog | VMware Common Logging Service |
vmware-syslog-health | VMware Syslog Health Service |
vmware-vapi-endpoint | VMware vAPI Endpoint |
vmware-vdcs | VMware Content Library Service |
vmafdd | VMware Authentication Framework |
vmcad | VMware Certificate Service |
vmdird | VMware Directory Service |
vmware-vpostgres | VMware Postgres |
vmware-vpx-workflow | VMware vCenter Workflow Manager |
vmware-vpxd | VMware vCenter Server |
vmware-vsm | VMware vService Manager |
vsphere-client | vSphere Web Client |
vmware-vws | VMware System and Hardware Health Manager |