vmkerrcode utility displays a table of all VMkernel errors, a brief description, and the corresponding error codes in both decimal and hexadecimal format. This utility was added in ESX 3.0.2
How to use it:-
1. Connect with ESXi Shell (Local or through SSH)
2. Run this command:-
vmkerrcode -l
3. You will get the output like this:-
To use vmkerrcode to list details for an individual error code, run the command:
vmkerrcode error_code
Where error_code is either the hexadecimal (hex) or decimal value for the error code of interest. The utility lists the name, decimal, hexadecimal, text error output, and description for that VMK error code.
How to use it:-
1. Connect with ESXi Shell (Local or through SSH)
2. Run this command:-
vmkerrcode -l
3. You will get the output like this:-
table for VMware ESX, Build #4564106
Name Dec Hex errno equiv Description
VMK_OK 0 0 OK Success
VMK_FAILURE 195887105 0xbad0001 EINVAL Failure
VMK_WOULD_BLOCK 195887106 0xbad0002 EAGAIN Would block
VMK_NOT_FOUND 195887107 0xbad0003 ENOENT Not found
VMK_BUSY 195887108 0xbad0004 EBUSY Busy
VMK_EXISTS 195887109 0xbad0005 EEXIST Already exists
VMK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 195887110 0xbad0006 EFBIG Limit exceeded
VMK_BAD_PARAM 195887111 0xbad0007 EINVAL Bad parameter
VMK_METADATA_READ_ERROR 195887112 0xbad0008 EIO Metadata read error
VMK_METADATA_WRITE_ERROR 195887113 0xbad0009 EIO Metadata write error
VMK_IO_ERROR 195887114 0xbad000a EIO I/O error
VMK_READ_ERROR 195887115 0xbad000b EIO Read error
VMK_WRITE_ERROR 195887116 0xbad000c EIO Write error
VMK_INVALID_NAME 195887117 0xbad000d ENAMETOOLONG Invalid name
VMK_INVALID_HANDLE 195887118 0xbad000e EBADF Invalid handle
VMK_INVALID_ADAPTER 195887119 0xbad000f ENODEV No such SCSI adapter
VMK_INVALID_TARGET 195887120 0xbad0010 ENODEV No such target on adapter
VMK_INVALID_PARTITION 195887121 0xbad0011 ENXIO No such partition on target
VMK_INVALID_FS 195887122 0xbad0012 ENXIO No filesystem on the device
VMK_INVALID_MEMMAP 195887123 0xbad0013 EFAULT Memory map mismatch
VMK_NO_MEMORY 195887124 0xbad0014 ENOMEM Out of memory
VMK_NO_MEMORY_RETRY 195887125 0xbad0015 ENOMEM Out of memory (ok to retry)
VMK_NO_LPAGE_MEMORY 195887126 0xbad0016 ENOMEM Out of large pages
VMK_NO_RESOURCES 195887127 0xbad0017 ENOMEM Out of resources
VMK_NO_FREE_HANDLES 195887128 0xbad0018 EMFILE No free handles
VMK_NUM_HANDLES_EXCEEDED 195887129 0xbad0019 ENFILE Exceeded maximum number of allowed handles
VMK_DEPRECATED_NO_FREE_PTR_BLOCKS 195887130 0xbad001a ENOSPC No free pointer blocks (deprecated)
VMK_DEPRECATED_NO_FREE_DATA_BLOCKS 195887131 0xbad001b ENOSPC No free data blocks (deprecated)
VMK_CORRUPT_REDOLOG 195887132 0xbad001c EBADF Corrupt RedoLog
VMK_STATUS_PENDING 195887133 0xbad001d EAGAIN Status pending
VMK_STATUS_FREE 195887134 0xbad001e EAGAIN Status free
VMK_UNSUPPORTED_CPU 195887135 0xbad001f ENODEV Unsupported CPU
VMK_NOT_SUPPORTED 195887136 0xbad0020 ENOSYS Not supported
VMK_TIMEOUT 195887137 0xbad0021 ETIMEDOUT Timeout
VMK_READ_ONLY 195887138 0xbad0022 EROFS Read only
VMK_RESERVATION_CONFLICT 195887139 0xbad0023 EAGAIN SCSI reservation conflict
VMK_FS_LOCKED 195887140 0xbad0024 EADDRINUSE File system locked
VMK_NOT_ENOUGH_SLOTS 195887141 0xbad0025 ENFILE Out of slots
VMK_INVALID_ADDRESS 195887142 0xbad0026 EFAULT Invalid address
VMK_NOT_SHARED 195887143 0xbad0027 ENOMEM Not shared
VMK_SHARED 195887144 0xbad0028 ENOMEM Page is shared
VMK_KSEG_PAIR_FLUSHED 195887145 0xbad0029 ENOMEM Kseg pair flushed
VMK_MAX_ASYNCIO_PENDING 195887146 0xbad002a ENOMEM Max async I/O requests pending
VMK_VERSION_MISMATCH_MINOR 195887147 0xbad002b ENOSYS Minor version mismatch
VMK_VERSION_MISMATCH_MAJOR 195887148 0xbad002c ENOSYS Major version mismatch
VMK_IS_CONNECTED 195887149 0xbad002d EINVAL Already connected
VMK_IS_DISCONNECTED 195887150 0xbad002e ENOTCONN Already disconnected
VMK_IS_ENABLED 195887151 0xbad002f EINVAL Already enabled
VMK_IS_DISABLED 195887152 0xbad0030 EINVAL Already disabled
VMK_NOT_INITIALIZED 195887153 0xbad0031 EINVAL Not initialized
VMK_WAIT_INTERRUPTED 195887154 0xbad0032 EINTR Wait interrupted
VMK_NAME_TOO_LONG 195887155 0xbad0033 ENAMETOOLONG Name too long
VMK_MISSING_FS_PES 195887156 0xbad0034 ENODEV VMFS volume missing physical extents
VMK_NICTEAMING_VALID_MASTER 195887157 0xbad0035 EINVAL NIC teaming master valid
VMK_NICTEAMING_SLAVE 195887158 0xbad0036 EEXIST NIC teaming slave
VMK_NICTEAMING_REGULAR_VMNIC 195887159 0xbad0037 EINVAL NIC teaming regular VMNIC
VMK_ABORT_NOT_RUNNING 195887160 0xbad0038 ECANCELED Abort not running
VMK_NOT_READY 195887161 0xbad0039 EIO Not ready
VMK_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH 195887162 0xbad003a EIO Checksum mismatch
VMK_VLAN_NO_HW_ACCEL 195887163 0xbad003b EINVAL VLan HW Acceleration not supported
VMK_NO_VLAN_SUPPORT 195887164 0xbad003c EOPNOTSUPP VLan is not supported in vmkernel
VMK_NOT_VLAN_HANDLE 195887165 0xbad003d EINVAL Not a VLan handle
VMK_BAD_VLANID 195887166 0xbad003e EBADF Couldn't retrieve VLan id
VMK_MIG_CONN_CLOSED 195887167 0xbad003f EINVAL Connection closed by remote host, possibly due to timeout
VMK_NO_CONNECT 195887168 0xbad0040 EIO No connection
VMK_SEGMENT_OVERLAP 195887169 0xbad0041 EINVAL Segment overlap
VMK_BAD_MPS 195887170 0xbad0042 EIO Error parsing MPS Table
VMK_BAD_ACPI 195887171 0xbad0043 EIO Error parsing ACPI Table
VMK_RESUME_ERROR 195887172 0xbad0044 EIO Failed to resume virtual machine
VMK_NO_ADDRESS_SPACE 195887173 0xbad0045 ENOMEM Insufficient address space for operation
VMK_BAD_ADDR_RANGE 195887174 0xbad0046 EINVAL Bad address range
VMK_ENETDOWN 195887175 0xbad0047 ENETDOWN Network is down
VMK_ENETUNREACH 195887176 0xbad0048 ENETUNREACH Network unreachable
VMK_ENETRESET 195887177 0xbad0049 ENETRESET Network dropped connection on reset
VMK_ECONNABORTED 195887178 0xbad004a ECONNABORTED Software caused connection abort
VMK_ECONNRESET 195887179 0xbad004b ECONNRESET Connection reset by peer
VMK_ENOTCONN 195887180 0xbad004c ENOTCONN Socket is not connected
VMK_ESHUTDOWN 195887181 0xbad004d ESHUTDOWN Cannot send after socket shutdown
VMK_ETOOMANYREFS 195887182 0xbad004e ETOOMANYREFS Too many references: cannot splice
VMK_ECONNREFUSED 195887183 0xbad004f ECONNREFUSED Connection refused
VMK_EHOSTDOWN 195887184 0xbad0050 EHOSTDOWN Host is down
VMK_EHOSTUNREACH 195887185 0xbad0051 EHOSTUNREACH No route to host
VMK_EADDRINUSE 195887186 0xbad0052 EADDRINUSE Address already in use
VMK_BROKEN_PIPE 195887187 0xbad0053 EPIPE Broken pipe
VMK_NOT_A_DIRECTORY 195887188 0xbad0054 ENOTDIR Not a directory
VMK_IS_A_DIRECTORY 195887189 0xbad0055 EISDIR Is a directory
VMK_NOT_EMPTY 195887190 0xbad0056 ENOTEMPTY Directory not empty
VMK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 195887191 0xbad0057 ENOSYS Not implemented
VMK_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLER 195887192 0xbad0058 EINVAL No signal handler
VMK_FATAL_SIGNAL_BLOCKED 195887193 0xbad0059 EINVAL Fatal signal blocked
VMK_NO_ACCESS 195887194 0xbad005a EACCES Permission denied
VMK_NO_PERMISSION 195887195 0xbad005b EPERM Operation not permitted
VMK_UNDEFINED_SYSCALL 195887196 0xbad005c ENOSYS Undefined syscall
VMK_RESULT_TOO_LARGE 195887197 0xbad005d ERANGE Result too large
VMK_VLAN_FILTERED 195887198 0xbad005e ERANGE Pkts dropped because of VLAN (support) mismatch
VMK_BAD_EXCFRAME 195887199 0xbad005f EFAULT Unsafe exception frame
VMK_MODULE_NOT_LOADED 195887200 0xbad0060 ENODEV Necessary module isn't loaded
VMK_NO_SUCH_ZOMBIE 195887201 0xbad0061 ECHILD No dead world by that name
VMK_NO_SUCH_CARTEL 195887202 0xbad0062 ESRCH No cartel by that name
VMK_IS_A_SYMLINK 195887203 0xbad0063 ELOOP Is a symbolic link
VMK_CROSS_DEVICE_LINK 195887204 0xbad0064 EXDEV Cross-device link
VMK_NOT_A_SOCKET 195887205 0xbad0065 ENOTSOCK Not a socket
VMK_ILLEGAL_SEEK 195887206 0xbad0066 ESPIPE Illegal seek
VMK_ADDRFAM_UNSUPP 195887207 0xbad0067 EAFNOSUPPORT Unsupported address family
VMK_ALREADY_CONNECTED 195887208 0xbad0068 EISCONN Already connected
VMK_DEATH_PENDING 195887209 0xbad0069 ENOENT World is marked for death
VMK_NO_CPU_ASSIGNMENT 195887210 0xbad006a EINVAL No valid scheduler assignment
VMK_CPU_MIN_INVALID 195887211 0xbad006b EINVAL Invalid cpu min
VMK_CPU_MINLIMIT_INVALID 195887212 0xbad006c EINVAL Invalid cpu minLimit
VMK_CPU_MAX_INVALID 195887213 0xbad006d EINVAL Invalid cpu max
VMK_CPU_SHARES_INVALID 195887214 0xbad006e EINVAL Invalid cpu shares
VMK_CPU_MIN_OVERFLOW 195887215 0xbad006f EINVAL CPU min outside valid range
VMK_CPU_MINLIMIT_OVERFLOW 195887216 0xbad0070 EINVAL CPU minLimit outside valid range
VMK_CPU_MAX_OVERFLOW 195887217 0xbad0071 EINVAL CPU max outside valid range
VMK_CPU_MIN_GT_MINLIMIT 195887218 0xbad0072 EINVAL CPU min exceeds minLimit
VMK_CPU_MIN_GT_MAX 195887219 0xbad0073 EINVAL CPU min exceeds max
VMK_CPU_MINLIMIT_LT_RESERVED 195887220 0xbad0074 ENOSPC CPU minLimit less than cpu already reserved by children
VMK_CPU_MAX_LT_RESERVED 195887221 0xbad0075 ENOSPC CPU max less than cpu already reserved by children
VMK_CPU_ADMIT_FAILED 195887222 0xbad0076 ENOSPC Admission check failed for cpu resource
VMK_MEM_MIN_INVALID 195887223 0xbad0077 EINVAL Invalid memory min
VMK_MEM_MINLIMIT_INVALID 195887224 0xbad0078 EINVAL Invalid memory minLimit
VMK_MEM_MAX_INVALID 195887225 0xbad0079 EINVAL Invalid memory max
VMK_MEM_MIN_OVERFLOW 195887226 0xbad007a EINVAL Memory min outside valid range
VMK_MEM_MINLIMIT_OVERFLOW 195887227 0xbad007b EINVAL Memory minLimit outside valid range
VMK_MEM_MAX_OVERFLOW 195887228 0xbad007c EINVAL Memory max outside valid range
VMK_MEM_MIN_GT_MINLIMIT 195887229 0xbad007d EINVAL Memory min exceeds minLimit
VMK_MEM_MIN_GT_MAX 195887230 0xbad007e EINVAL Memory min exceeds max
VMK_MEM_MINLIMIT_LT_RESERVED 195887231 0xbad007f ENOSPC Memory minLimit less than memory already reserved by children
VMK_MEM_MAX_LT_RESERVED 195887232 0xbad0080 ENOSPC Memory max less than memory already reserved by children
VMK_MEM_ADMIT_FAILED 195887233 0xbad0081 ENOSPC Admission check failed for memory resource
VMK_NO_SWAP_FILE 195887234 0xbad0082 ENOENT No swap file
VMK_BAD_PARAM_COUNT 195887235 0xbad0083 EINVAL Bad parameter count
VMK_BAD_PARAM_TYPE 195887236 0xbad0084 EINVAL Bad parameter type
VMK_UNMAP_RETRY 195887237 0xbad0085 ENOMEM Dueling unmaps (ok to retry)
VMK_INVALID_IOCTL 195887238 0xbad0086 ENOTTY Inappropriate ioctl for device
VMK_MAPFAULT_RETRY 195887239 0xbad0087 EBUSY Mmap changed under page fault (ok to retry)
VMK_EINPROGRESS 195887240 0xbad0088 EINPROGRESS Operation now in progress
VMK_ADDR_UNMAPPED 195887241 0xbad0089 EFAULT Address temporarily unmapped
VMK_INVALID_BUDDY_TYPE 195887242 0xbad008a ENOMEM Invalid buddy type
VMK_LPAGE_INFO_NOT_FOUND 195887243 0xbad008b ENOMEM Large page info not found
VMK_LPAGE_INFO_INVALID 195887244 0xbad008c EINVAL Invalid large page info
VMK_SNAPSHOT_DEV 195887245 0xbad008d EIO SCSI LUN is in snapshot state
VMK_IN_TRANSITION 195887246 0xbad008e EIO SCSI LUN is in transition
VMK_TXN_FULL 195887247 0xbad008f ENOSPC Transaction ran out of lock space or log space
VMK_LOCK_NOT_FREE 195887248 0xbad0090 EBUSY Lock was not free
VMK_NUM_FILES_EXCEEDED 195887249 0xbad0091 ENOSPC Exceed maximum number of files on the filesystem
VMK_MIGRATE_VMX_FAILURE 195887250 0xbad0092 EINVAL Migration determined a failure by the VMX
VMK_VSI_LIST_OVERFLOW 195887251 0xbad0093 EFBIG VSI GetList handler overflow
VMK_INVALID_WORLD 195887252 0xbad0094 EINVAL Invalid world
VMK_INVALID_VMM 195887253 0xbad0095 EINVAL Invalid vmm
VMK_INVALID_TXN 195887254 0xbad0096 EINVAL Invalid transaction
VMK_FS_RETRY_OPERATION 195887255 0xbad0097 EAGAIN Transient file system condition, suggest retry
VMK_VCPU_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 195887256 0xbad0098 EINVAL Number of running VCPUs limit exceeded
VMK_INVALID_METADATA 195887257 0xbad0099 EINVAL Invalid metadata
VMK_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER 195887258 0xbad009a EINVAL Invalid page number
VMK_NOT_EXEC 195887259 0xbad009b ENOEXEC Not in executable format
VMK_NFS_CONNECT_FAILURE 195887260 0xbad009c EHOSTDOWN Unable to connect to NFS server
VMK_NFS_MOUNT_NOT_SUPPORTED 195887261 0xbad009d EINVAL The NFS server does not support MOUNT version 3 over TCP
VMK_NFS_NFS_NOT_SUPPORTED 195887262 0xbad009e EINVAL The NFS server does not support NFS version 3 over TCP
VMK_NFS_MOUNT_DENIED 195887263 0xbad009f EPERM The NFS server denied the mount request
VMK_NFS_MOUNT_NOT_DIR 195887264 0xbad00a0 ENOTDIR The specified mount path was not a directory
VMK_NFS_BAD_FSINFO 195887265 0xbad00a1 EACCES Unable to query remote mount point's attributes
VMK_NFS_VOLUME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 195887266 0xbad00a2 EINVAL NFS has reached the maximum number of supported volumes
VMK_NO_MEMORY_NICE 195887267 0xbad00a3 ENOMEM Out of nice memory
VMK_MIGRATE_PREEMPTIVE_FAIL 195887268 0xbad00a4 ENOMEM Migration failed to start due to lack of CPU or memory resources
VMK_CACHE_MISS 195887269 0xbad00a5 EFAULT Cache miss
VMK_STRESS_INDUCED_ERROR 195887270 0xbad00a6 EIO Error induced when stress options are enabled
VMK_TOO_MANY_LOCK_HOLDERS 195887271 0xbad00a7 EUSERS Maximum number of concurrent hosts are already accessing this resource
VMK_NO_JOURNAL 195887272 0xbad00a8 EIO Host doesn't have a journal
VMK_RANK_VIOLATION 195887273 0xbad00a9 EDEADLK Lock rank violation detected
VMK_MODULE_FAILED 195887274 0xbad00aa ENODEV Module failed
VMK_NO_MASTER_PTY 195887275 0xbad00ab ENXIO Unable to open slave if no master pty
VMK_NOT_IOABLE 195887276 0xbad00ac EFAULT Not IOAble
VMK_NO_FREE_INODES 195887277 0xbad00ad ENOSPC No free inodes
VMK_NO_MEMORY_FOR_FILEDATA 195887278 0xbad00ae ENOSPC No free memory for file data
VMK_NO_TAR_SPACE 195887279 0xbad00af ENOSPC No free space to expand file or meta data
VMK_NO_FIFO_READER 195887280 0xbad00b0 ENXIO Unable to open writer if no fifo reader
VMK_NO_SUCH_DEVICE 195887281 0xbad00b1 EINVAL No underlying device for major,minor
VMK_MEM_MIN_GT_MEMSIZE 195887282 0xbad00b2 EINVAL Memory min exceeds memSize
VMK_NO_SUCH_VT 195887283 0xbad00b3 ENXIO No virtual terminal for number
VMK_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS 195887284 0xbad00b4 E2BIG Too many elements for list
VMK_SHAREDAREA_MISMATCH 195887285 0xbad00b5 ENOSYS VMM<->VMK shared area mismatch
VMK_EXEC_FAILURE 195887286 0xbad00b6 ESRCH Failure during exec while original state already lost
VMK_INVALID_MODULE 195887287 0xbad00b7 EINVAL Invalid module
VMK_UNALIGNED_ADDRESS 195887288 0xbad00b8 EINVAL Address is not aligned on required boundary
VMK_NOT_MAPPED 195887289 0xbad00b9 ENOMEM Address is not mapped in address space
VMK_NO_MESSAGE_SPACE 195887290 0xbad00ba ENOMEM No space to record a message
VMK_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_INVALID 195887291 0xbad00bb EINVAL Invalid exception handler
VMK_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED 195887292 0xbad00bc EINVAL Exception not handled by exception handler
VMK_INVALID_MULTIWRITER_OBJECT 195887293 0xbad00bd EDEADLK Cannot open sparse/TBZ files in multiwriter mode
VMK_STORAGE_RETRY_OPERATION 195887294 0xbad00be EAGAIN Transient storage condition, suggest retry
VMK_HBA_ERROR 195887295 0xbad00bf EIO Storage initiator error
VMK_TIMER_INIT_FAILED 195887296 0xbad00c0 EINVAL Timer initialization failed
VMK_MODULE_NOT_FOUND 195887297 0xbad00c1 ENOENT Module not found
VMK_NOT_SOCKET_OWNER 195887298 0xbad00c2 EINVAL Socket not owned by cartel
VMK_VSI_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND 195887299 0xbad00c3 ENOENT No VSI handler found for the requested node
VMK_INVALID_MMAPPROTFLAGS 195887300 0xbad00c4 EINVAL Invalid mmap protection flags
VMK_INVALID_MAPCONTIG_SIZE 195887301 0xbad00c5 EINVAL Invalid chunk size for contiguous mmap
VMK_INVALID_MAPCONTIG_MAX 195887302 0xbad00c6 EINVAL Invalid MPN max for contiguous mmap
VMK_INVALID_MAPCONTIG_FLAG 195887303 0xbad00c7 EINVAL Invalid mmap flag on contiguous mmap
VMK_NOT_LAZY_MMINFO 195887304 0xbad00c8 EINVAL Unexpected fault on pre-faulted memory region
VMK_MMINFO_WONT_SPLIT 195887305 0xbad00c9 EINVAL Memory region cannot be split (remap/unmap)
VMK_NO_CACHE_INFO 195887306 0xbad00ca ENOENT Cache Information not available
VMK_CANNOT_REMAP_PINNED_MEMORY 195887307 0xbad00cb EINVAL Cannot remap pinned memory
VMK_NO_SUCH_CARTELGROUP 195887308 0xbad00cc ESRCH No cartel group by that name
VMK_SPLOCKSTATS_DISABLED 195887309 0xbad00cd EINVAL SPLock stats collection disabled
VMK_BAD_TAR_IMAGE 195887310 0xbad00ce EINVAL Boot image is corrupted
VMK_BRANCHED_ALREADY 195887311 0xbad00cf EPERM Branched file cannot be modified
VMK_NAME_RESERVED_FOR_BRANCH 195887312 0xbad00d0 EPERM Name is reserved for branched file
VMK_CANNOT_BRANCH_UNLINKED 195887313 0xbad00d1 EPERM Unlinked file cannot be branched
VMK_MAX_RETRIES_EXCEEDED 195887314 0xbad00d2 EAGAIN Maximum kernel-level retries exceeded
VMK_OPTLOCK_STOLEN 195887315 0xbad00d3 EAGAIN Optimistic lock acquired by another host
VMK_NOT_MMAPABLE 195887316 0xbad00d4 ENODEV Object cannot be mmapped
VMK_INVALID_CPU_AFFINITY 195887317 0xbad00d5 EINVAL Invalid cpu affinity
VMK_DEVICE_NOT_PARTOF_LV 195887318 0xbad00d6 ENXIO Device does not contain a logical volume
VMK_NO_SPACE 195887319 0xbad00d7 ENOSPC No space left on device
VMK_VSI_INVALID_NODE_ID 195887320 0xbad00d8 EINVAL Invalid vsi node ID
VMK_TOO_MANY_USERS 195887321 0xbad00d9 EUSERS Too many users accessing this resource
VMK_EALREADY 195887322 0xbad00da EALREADY Operation already in progress
VMK_BUF_TOO_SMALL 195887323 0xbad00db EINVAL Buffer too small to complete the operation
VMK_SNAPSHOT_DEV_DISALLOWED 195887324 0xbad00dc EACCES Snapshot device disallowed
VMK_LVM_DEVICE_UNREACHABLE 195887325 0xbad00dd EIO LVM device unreachable
VMK_CPU_INVALID_RESOURCE_UNITS 195887326 0xbad00de EINVAL Invalid cpu resource units
VMK_MEM_INVALID_RESOURCE_UNITS 195887327 0xbad00df EINVAL Invalid memory resource units
VMK_ABORTED 195887328 0xbad00e0 ECANCELED IO was aborted
VMK_MEM_MIN_LT_RESERVED 195887329 0xbad00e1 ENOSPC Memory min less than memory already reserved by children
VMK_MEM_MIN_LT_CONSUMED 195887330 0xbad00e2 ENOSPC Memory min less than memory required to support current consumption
VMK_MEM_MAX_LT_CONSUMED 195887331 0xbad00e3 ENOSPC Memory max less than memory required to support current consumption
VMK_TIMEOUT_RETRY_DEPRECATED 195887332 0xbad00e4 ETIMEDOUT Timeout (ok to retry) DEPRECATED
VMK_RESERVATION_LOST 195887333 0xbad00e5 EBUSY Reservation Lost
VMK_FS_STALE_METADATA 195887334 0xbad00e6 ENOENT Cached metadata is stale
VMK_NO_FCNTL_LOCK 195887335 0xbad00e7 ENOLCK No fcntl lock slot left
VMK_NO_FCNTL_LOCK_HOLDER 195887336 0xbad00e8 ENOLCK No fcntl lock holder slot left
VMK_NO_LICENSE 195887337 0xbad00e9 EACCES Not licensed to access VMFS volumes
VMK_VSI_MODULE_NOT_FOUND 195887338 0xbad00ea ENOENT Vmkernel module necessary for this vsi call not loaded
VMK_LVM_RETRY_OPERATION 195887339 0xbad00eb EAGAIN Transient LVM device condition, suggest retry
VMK_SNAPSHOT_LV_INCOMPLETE 195887340 0xbad00ec EAGAIN Snapshot LV incomplete
VMK_MEDIUM_NOT_FOUND 195887341 0xbad00ed EIO Medium not found
VMK_MAX_PATHS_CLAIMED 195887342 0xbad00ee ENOMEM Maximum allowed SCSI paths have already been claimed
VMK_NOT_MOUNTABLE 195887343 0xbad00ef ENODEV Filesystem is not mountable
VMK_MEMSIZE_GT_MEMSIZELIMIT 195887344 0xbad00f0 EINVAL Memory size exceeds memSizeLimit
VMK_RECORD_WRITE_ERROR 195887345 0xbad00f1 EIO An error occurred trying to write to the log
VMK_REPLAY_READ_ERROR 195887346 0xbad00f2 EIO An error occurred trying to read from the log
VMK_REPLAY_TYPE_MISMATCH 195887347 0xbad00f3 EIO There was a type mismatch while reading from the log
VMK_REPLAY_DIVERGENCE 195887348 0xbad00f4 EIO A divergence was detected during replay
VMK_FT_NOT_RESPONDING 195887349 0xbad00f5 ENOTCONN The remote side of an FT pair isn't responding
VMK_NET_REPLAY_ERROR 195887350 0xbad00f6 EIO An error occurred during replay of networking.
VMK_VOBERR_INVALID_VOBID 195887351 0xbad00f7 EINVAL Vob ID invalid
VMK_VOBERR_FMT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 195887352 0xbad00f8 EFBIG Vob format string too long
VMK_VOBERR_INVALID_FMT_STRING 195887353 0xbad00f9 EINVAL Invalid format specifier in VOB format string
VMK_VOBERR_INVALID_ATTR 195887354 0xbad00fa EINVAL Invalid attribute specifier in VOB format string
VMK_ELF_CORRUPT 195887355 0xbad00fb EINVAL ELF file is corrupt.
VMK_EADDRNOTAVAIL 195887356 0xbad00fc EADDRNOTAVAIL Address not available
VMK_EDESTADDRREQ 195887357 0xbad00fd EDESTADDRREQ Destination address required
VMK_LVM_STALE_METADATA 195887358 0xbad00fe EPERM Cached LVM metadata is stale.
VMK_NO_RPC_TABLE 195887359 0xbad00ff ENOENT RPC table does not exist
VMK_DUPLICATE_UID 195887360 0xbad0100 EEXIST Device already has UID
VMK_UNRESOLVED_SYMBOL 195887361 0xbad0101 ENOENT Unresolved symbol
VMK_DEVICE_NOT_OWNED 195887362 0xbad0102 EINVAL VMkernel does not own the device
VMK_DEVICE_NOT_NAMED 195887363 0xbad0103 EINVAL Device has no name
VMK_EPROTONOSUPPORT 195887364 0xbad0104 EPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not supported
VMK_EOPNOTSUPP 195887365 0xbad0105 EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported
VMK_UNDEFINED_VMKCALL 195887366 0xbad0106 ENOSYS Undefined VMKCall
VMK_MIGRATE_MAX_DOWNTIME_EXCEEDED 195887367 0xbad0107 ETIMEDOUT Maximum switchover time for migration exceeded
VMK_LOCK_EXISTS 195887368 0xbad0108 EEXIST Multiple RO/MW locks held by the same host
VMK_MIGRATE_PRECOPY_NO_FORWARD_PROGRESS 195887369 0xbad0109 EINVAL Migration failed due to lack of pre-copy forward progress
VMK_UID_CHANGED 195887370 0xbad010a EEXIST Device UID changed
VMK_VMOTION_CONNECT_FAILED 195887371 0xbad010b ENOTCONN The ESX hosts failed to connect over the VMotion network
VMK_NO_MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS 195887372 0xbad010c ENOENT No migration in progress
VMK_EXEC_FILE_BUSY 195887373 0xbad010d ETXTBSY File is being executed, write access denied
VMK_FS_TIMEOUT_RETRY 195887374 0xbad010e ETIMEDOUT File system timeout (Ok to retry)
VMK_COW_TIMEOUT_RETRY 195887375 0xbad010f ETIMEDOUT COW timeout (Ok to retry)
VMK_FS_LOCKSTATE_IN_TRANSITION_DEPRECATED 195887376 0xbad0110 EBUSY Lock state is in transition (ok to retry) DEPRECATED
VMK_FS_LOCK_LOST 195887377 0xbad0111 EIO Lost previously held disk lock
VMK_NO_SPACE_ON_DEVICE 195887378 0xbad0112 ENOSPC Underlying device has no free space
VMK_EOVERFLOW 195887379 0xbad0113 EOVERFLOW Value too large for defined data type
VMK_MEM_SHARES_INVALID 195887380 0xbad0114 EINVAL Invalid memory shares
VMK_LVM_INCONSISTENT_LOCKLESSOP 195887381 0xbad0115 EAGAIN LVM lockless op reads in an inconsistent state
VMK_INVALID_SECURITY_LABEL 195887382 0xbad0116 EINVAL Invalid security label
VMK_ACCESS_DENIED 195887383 0xbad0117 EPERM Access denied by vmkernel access control policy
VMK_WORK_COMPLETED 195887384 0xbad0118 EALREADY Work has already completed
VMK_WORK_RUNNING 195887385 0xbad0119 EINPROGRESS Work is currently running
VMK_WORK_PENDING 195887386 0xbad011a EEXIST Work is already pending
VMK_WORK_INVALID 195887387 0xbad011b EINVAL Work or properties provided invalid
VMK_VOBERR_OVERFLOW 195887388 0xbad011c EFBIG VOB context overflow
VMK_VOBERR_INVALID_CONTEXT 195887389 0xbad011d EINVAL VOB context invalid
VMK_VOBERR_LOCK_CONFLICT 195887390 0xbad011e EINVAL VOB context conflict for lock
VMK_RETRY 195887391 0xbad011f EINVAL Retry the operation
VMK_NO_MODULE_HEAP 195887392 0xbad0120 ENOMEM Module has no heap to allocate from
VMK_REMOTE_PAGE_FAULT_FAILURE 195887393 0xbad0121 ENOMEM Remote page fault failure
VMK_VSI_DATA_LENGTH_MISMATCH 195887394 0xbad0122 EIO VSI data length mismatch
VMK_MAPPING_FAILED 195887395 0xbad0123 EFAULT Mapping operation failed
VMK_ATS_MISCOMPARE 195887396 0xbad0124 EINVAL Atomic test and set of disk block returned false for equality
VMK_NO_BUFFERSPACE 195887397 0xbad0125 ENOBUFS No buffer space available
VMK_FT_NOT_RUNNING 195887398 0xbad0126 EINVAL FT vm is not enabled
VMK_LICENSE_MISMATCH 195887399 0xbad0127 EINVAL Incompatible licenses detected
VMK_ELF_UNKNOWN_RELOCATIONS 195887400 0xbad0128 EINVAL ELF file contains invalid relocation types
VMK_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG 195887401 0xbad0129 EMSGSIZE Message too long
VMK_INVALID_NAMESPACE 195887402 0xbad012a ENOENT Invalid or missing namespace
VMK_SHUTTING_DOWN 195887403 0xbad012b EINVAL Operation not allowed because the VMKernel is shutting down
VMK_SKIPPED_FREE 195887404 0xbad012c EINVAL Skipped freeing of resource with no reference
VMK_VMFS_ABORTED 195887405 0xbad012d ECANCELED IO was aborted by VMFS via a virt-reset on the device
VMK_NO_WRITE_ON_TARDISKS 195887406 0xbad012e EPERM Write not allowed on tardisks
VMK_SVM_IO_RETRY 195887407 0xbad012f EBUSY Re-issue IO at a later time
VMK_MODULE_NO_LICENSE 195887408 0xbad0130 ENOENT Module does not provide a license tag
VMK_MODULE_UNKNOWN_LICENSE 195887409 0xbad0131 ENOENT Module provides an unknown license tag
VMK_PERM_DEV_LOSS 195887410 0xbad0132 EIO Device is permanently unavailable
VMK_SE_IO_RETRY 195887411 0xbad0133 EBUSY Reissue IO at a later time for SE disks
VMK_BAD_ADDR_SPACE 195887412 0xbad0134 EINVAL Address space type is not supported for operation
VMK_DMA_MAPPING_FAILED 195887413 0xbad0135 EINVAL DMA mapping could not be completed
VMK_RESERVATION_GT_LIMIT 195887414 0xbad0136 EINVAL Memory pool reservation is greater than limit
VMK_MODULE_NONAMESPACE 195887415 0xbad0137 ENOENT Module tried to export a symbol but didn't provide a name space
VMK_FS_OBJECT_UNLINKED 195887416 0xbad0138 EINVAL File system object is unlinked
VMK_HBR_WIRE_INSTANCE_ABORTED 195887417 0xbad0139 ECANCELED Replication instance was aborted
VMK_HBR_WIRE_NEED_FULL_SYNC 195887418 0xbad013a EINVAL Replicated disk needs full synchronization
VMK_HBR_WIRE_DISK_SET_MISMATCH 195887419 0xbad013b EINVAL The set of disks on the replication server doesn't match
VMK_HBR_WIRE_REQUEST_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH 195887420 0xbad013c EINVAL The checksum for the replication request was invalid
VMK_HBR_WIRE_RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH 195887421 0xbad013d EINVAL The checksum for the replication response was invalid
VMK_HBR_WIRE_GROUP_REMOVED 195887422 0xbad013e ENOENT The replication group was removed on the server side
VMK_HBR_WIRE_GROUP_SESSION_REVOKED 195887423 0xbad013f EEXIST A newer client for this group is connected to the replication server
VMK_HBR_WIRE_PROTOCOL_CORRUPTED 195887424 0xbad0140 EINVAL Corrupt response from replication server
VMK_PORTSET_HANDLE_NOT_MUTABLE 195887425 0xbad0141 EINVAL Portset handle is not mutable
VMK_SUSPEND_IO 195887426 0xbad0142 EINVAL Suspend the IO in question
VMK_NO_WORKING_PATHS 195887427 0xbad0143 EINVAL No working paths to select
VMK_EPROTOTYPE 195887428 0xbad0144 EPROTOTYPE Invalid protocol for connection
VMK_MODULE_CONSUMED_RESOURCE_COUNT_NOT_ZERO 195887429 0xbad0145 EBUSY Consumed resource count of module is not zero
VMK_HBR_SERVER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_REQUEST 195887430 0xbad0146 EOPNOTSUPP vSphere Replication Server does not support request
VMK_STALE_FILEHANDLE 195887431 0xbad0147 ESTALE Stale file handle
VMK_VVOL_UNBOUND 195887432 0xbad0148 ENODEV Virtual volume is not bound
VMK_DEVICE_NOT_READY_FAIL_OPEN 195887433 0xbad0149 EPERM Device open failed with no-retry
VMK_NOT_THIS_DEVICE 195887434 0xbad014a EINVAL Not for this device
VMK_IGNORE 195887435 0xbad014b EINVAL Ignore
VMK_OBJECT_DESTROYED 195887436 0xbad014c EINVAL Object is being or has been destroyed
VMK_VVOL_PE_NOT_READY 195887437 0xbad014d EAGAIN Protocol Endpoint not ready for I/O to given secondary level ID
VMK_SCSI_PI_GUARD_ERROR 195887438 0xbad014e EIO T10 PI GUARD tag check failed
VMK_SCSI_PI_REF_ERROR 195887439 0xbad014f EIO T10 PI REF tag check failed
VMK_RES_META_STALE 195887440 0xbad0150 EAGAIN Cached resource metadata is stale
VMK_NOT_PINNED 195887441 0xbad0151 ENOENT Page is not pinned
VMK_BAD_SWAP_SCOPE 195887442 0xbad0152 EINVAL Incorrect swap scope
VMK_CONSUMED_GT_ZERO 195887443 0xbad0153 EINVAL Consumed memory is more than zero
VMK_LOCK_HELD_BY_ZOMBIE_TXN 195887444 0xbad0154 EBUSY Lock held by a transaction in progress
VMK_HBR_WIRE_FILE_IDENTICAL 195887445 0xbad0155 EEXIST The file being sent already exists and is identical
VMK_VOL_ALREADY_MOUNTED 195887446 0xbad0156 EBUSY The volume is already mounted
VMK_NO_VOLUMES 195887447 0xbad0157 ENOMEM Out of volumes
VMK_SB_NOT_FOUND 195887448 0xbad0158 ENOENT Super block not found
VMK_NO_PMEM 195887449 0xbad0159 ENOMEM Out of persistent memory
VMK_OTHER 195887450 0xbad015a EINPROGRESS Another operation is in progress
VMK_CANNOT_SHRINK 195887451 0xbad015b EPERM Shrinking is not allowed
VMK_NOT_A_BASE 195887452 0xbad015c EPERM Not a base disk
VMK_HAS_SNAPSHOTS 195887453 0xbad015d ECHILD Disk has snapshots
VMK_LAST_ERR 195887454 0xbad015e EINVAL Invalid error code
VMK_GENERIC_LINUX_ERROR 732758016 0x2bad0000 EIO Generic service console error
Name Dec Hex errno equiv Description
VMK_OK 0 0 OK Success
VMK_FAILURE 195887105 0xbad0001 EINVAL Failure
VMK_WOULD_BLOCK 195887106 0xbad0002 EAGAIN Would block
VMK_NOT_FOUND 195887107 0xbad0003 ENOENT Not found
VMK_BUSY 195887108 0xbad0004 EBUSY Busy
VMK_EXISTS 195887109 0xbad0005 EEXIST Already exists
VMK_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 195887110 0xbad0006 EFBIG Limit exceeded
VMK_BAD_PARAM 195887111 0xbad0007 EINVAL Bad parameter
VMK_METADATA_READ_ERROR 195887112 0xbad0008 EIO Metadata read error
VMK_METADATA_WRITE_ERROR 195887113 0xbad0009 EIO Metadata write error
VMK_IO_ERROR 195887114 0xbad000a EIO I/O error
VMK_READ_ERROR 195887115 0xbad000b EIO Read error
VMK_WRITE_ERROR 195887116 0xbad000c EIO Write error
VMK_INVALID_NAME 195887117 0xbad000d ENAMETOOLONG Invalid name
VMK_INVALID_HANDLE 195887118 0xbad000e EBADF Invalid handle
VMK_INVALID_ADAPTER 195887119 0xbad000f ENODEV No such SCSI adapter
VMK_INVALID_TARGET 195887120 0xbad0010 ENODEV No such target on adapter
VMK_INVALID_PARTITION 195887121 0xbad0011 ENXIO No such partition on target
VMK_INVALID_FS 195887122 0xbad0012 ENXIO No filesystem on the device
VMK_INVALID_MEMMAP 195887123 0xbad0013 EFAULT Memory map mismatch
VMK_NO_MEMORY 195887124 0xbad0014 ENOMEM Out of memory
VMK_NO_MEMORY_RETRY 195887125 0xbad0015 ENOMEM Out of memory (ok to retry)
VMK_NO_LPAGE_MEMORY 195887126 0xbad0016 ENOMEM Out of large pages
VMK_NO_RESOURCES 195887127 0xbad0017 ENOMEM Out of resources
VMK_NO_FREE_HANDLES 195887128 0xbad0018 EMFILE No free handles
VMK_NUM_HANDLES_EXCEEDED 195887129 0xbad0019 ENFILE Exceeded maximum number of allowed handles
VMK_DEPRECATED_NO_FREE_PTR_BLOCKS 195887130 0xbad001a ENOSPC No free pointer blocks (deprecated)
VMK_DEPRECATED_NO_FREE_DATA_BLOCKS 195887131 0xbad001b ENOSPC No free data blocks (deprecated)
VMK_CORRUPT_REDOLOG 195887132 0xbad001c EBADF Corrupt RedoLog
VMK_STATUS_PENDING 195887133 0xbad001d EAGAIN Status pending
VMK_STATUS_FREE 195887134 0xbad001e EAGAIN Status free
VMK_UNSUPPORTED_CPU 195887135 0xbad001f ENODEV Unsupported CPU
VMK_NOT_SUPPORTED 195887136 0xbad0020 ENOSYS Not supported
VMK_TIMEOUT 195887137 0xbad0021 ETIMEDOUT Timeout
VMK_READ_ONLY 195887138 0xbad0022 EROFS Read only
VMK_RESERVATION_CONFLICT 195887139 0xbad0023 EAGAIN SCSI reservation conflict
VMK_FS_LOCKED 195887140 0xbad0024 EADDRINUSE File system locked
VMK_NOT_ENOUGH_SLOTS 195887141 0xbad0025 ENFILE Out of slots
VMK_INVALID_ADDRESS 195887142 0xbad0026 EFAULT Invalid address
VMK_NOT_SHARED 195887143 0xbad0027 ENOMEM Not shared
VMK_SHARED 195887144 0xbad0028 ENOMEM Page is shared
VMK_KSEG_PAIR_FLUSHED 195887145 0xbad0029 ENOMEM Kseg pair flushed
VMK_MAX_ASYNCIO_PENDING 195887146 0xbad002a ENOMEM Max async I/O requests pending
VMK_VERSION_MISMATCH_MINOR 195887147 0xbad002b ENOSYS Minor version mismatch
VMK_VERSION_MISMATCH_MAJOR 195887148 0xbad002c ENOSYS Major version mismatch
VMK_IS_CONNECTED 195887149 0xbad002d EINVAL Already connected
VMK_IS_DISCONNECTED 195887150 0xbad002e ENOTCONN Already disconnected
VMK_IS_ENABLED 195887151 0xbad002f EINVAL Already enabled
VMK_IS_DISABLED 195887152 0xbad0030 EINVAL Already disabled
VMK_NOT_INITIALIZED 195887153 0xbad0031 EINVAL Not initialized
VMK_WAIT_INTERRUPTED 195887154 0xbad0032 EINTR Wait interrupted
VMK_NAME_TOO_LONG 195887155 0xbad0033 ENAMETOOLONG Name too long
VMK_MISSING_FS_PES 195887156 0xbad0034 ENODEV VMFS volume missing physical extents
VMK_NICTEAMING_VALID_MASTER 195887157 0xbad0035 EINVAL NIC teaming master valid
VMK_NICTEAMING_SLAVE 195887158 0xbad0036 EEXIST NIC teaming slave
VMK_NICTEAMING_REGULAR_VMNIC 195887159 0xbad0037 EINVAL NIC teaming regular VMNIC
VMK_ABORT_NOT_RUNNING 195887160 0xbad0038 ECANCELED Abort not running
VMK_NOT_READY 195887161 0xbad0039 EIO Not ready
VMK_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH 195887162 0xbad003a EIO Checksum mismatch
VMK_VLAN_NO_HW_ACCEL 195887163 0xbad003b EINVAL VLan HW Acceleration not supported
VMK_NO_VLAN_SUPPORT 195887164 0xbad003c EOPNOTSUPP VLan is not supported in vmkernel
VMK_NOT_VLAN_HANDLE 195887165 0xbad003d EINVAL Not a VLan handle
VMK_BAD_VLANID 195887166 0xbad003e EBADF Couldn't retrieve VLan id
VMK_MIG_CONN_CLOSED 195887167 0xbad003f EINVAL Connection closed by remote host, possibly due to timeout
VMK_NO_CONNECT 195887168 0xbad0040 EIO No connection
VMK_SEGMENT_OVERLAP 195887169 0xbad0041 EINVAL Segment overlap
VMK_BAD_MPS 195887170 0xbad0042 EIO Error parsing MPS Table
VMK_BAD_ACPI 195887171 0xbad0043 EIO Error parsing ACPI Table
VMK_RESUME_ERROR 195887172 0xbad0044 EIO Failed to resume virtual machine
VMK_NO_ADDRESS_SPACE 195887173 0xbad0045 ENOMEM Insufficient address space for operation
VMK_BAD_ADDR_RANGE 195887174 0xbad0046 EINVAL Bad address range
VMK_ENETDOWN 195887175 0xbad0047 ENETDOWN Network is down
VMK_ENETUNREACH 195887176 0xbad0048 ENETUNREACH Network unreachable
VMK_ENETRESET 195887177 0xbad0049 ENETRESET Network dropped connection on reset
VMK_ECONNABORTED 195887178 0xbad004a ECONNABORTED Software caused connection abort
VMK_ECONNRESET 195887179 0xbad004b ECONNRESET Connection reset by peer
VMK_ENOTCONN 195887180 0xbad004c ENOTCONN Socket is not connected
VMK_ESHUTDOWN 195887181 0xbad004d ESHUTDOWN Cannot send after socket shutdown
VMK_ETOOMANYREFS 195887182 0xbad004e ETOOMANYREFS Too many references: cannot splice
VMK_ECONNREFUSED 195887183 0xbad004f ECONNREFUSED Connection refused
VMK_EHOSTDOWN 195887184 0xbad0050 EHOSTDOWN Host is down
VMK_EHOSTUNREACH 195887185 0xbad0051 EHOSTUNREACH No route to host
VMK_EADDRINUSE 195887186 0xbad0052 EADDRINUSE Address already in use
VMK_BROKEN_PIPE 195887187 0xbad0053 EPIPE Broken pipe
VMK_NOT_A_DIRECTORY 195887188 0xbad0054 ENOTDIR Not a directory
VMK_IS_A_DIRECTORY 195887189 0xbad0055 EISDIR Is a directory
VMK_NOT_EMPTY 195887190 0xbad0056 ENOTEMPTY Directory not empty
VMK_NOT_IMPLEMENTED 195887191 0xbad0057 ENOSYS Not implemented
VMK_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLER 195887192 0xbad0058 EINVAL No signal handler
VMK_FATAL_SIGNAL_BLOCKED 195887193 0xbad0059 EINVAL Fatal signal blocked
VMK_NO_ACCESS 195887194 0xbad005a EACCES Permission denied
VMK_NO_PERMISSION 195887195 0xbad005b EPERM Operation not permitted
VMK_UNDEFINED_SYSCALL 195887196 0xbad005c ENOSYS Undefined syscall
VMK_RESULT_TOO_LARGE 195887197 0xbad005d ERANGE Result too large
VMK_VLAN_FILTERED 195887198 0xbad005e ERANGE Pkts dropped because of VLAN (support) mismatch
VMK_BAD_EXCFRAME 195887199 0xbad005f EFAULT Unsafe exception frame
VMK_MODULE_NOT_LOADED 195887200 0xbad0060 ENODEV Necessary module isn't loaded
VMK_NO_SUCH_ZOMBIE 195887201 0xbad0061 ECHILD No dead world by that name
VMK_NO_SUCH_CARTEL 195887202 0xbad0062 ESRCH No cartel by that name
VMK_IS_A_SYMLINK 195887203 0xbad0063 ELOOP Is a symbolic link
VMK_CROSS_DEVICE_LINK 195887204 0xbad0064 EXDEV Cross-device link
VMK_NOT_A_SOCKET 195887205 0xbad0065 ENOTSOCK Not a socket
VMK_ILLEGAL_SEEK 195887206 0xbad0066 ESPIPE Illegal seek
VMK_ADDRFAM_UNSUPP 195887207 0xbad0067 EAFNOSUPPORT Unsupported address family
VMK_ALREADY_CONNECTED 195887208 0xbad0068 EISCONN Already connected
VMK_DEATH_PENDING 195887209 0xbad0069 ENOENT World is marked for death
VMK_NO_CPU_ASSIGNMENT 195887210 0xbad006a EINVAL No valid scheduler assignment
VMK_CPU_MIN_INVALID 195887211 0xbad006b EINVAL Invalid cpu min
VMK_CPU_MINLIMIT_INVALID 195887212 0xbad006c EINVAL Invalid cpu minLimit
VMK_CPU_MAX_INVALID 195887213 0xbad006d EINVAL Invalid cpu max
VMK_CPU_SHARES_INVALID 195887214 0xbad006e EINVAL Invalid cpu shares
VMK_CPU_MIN_OVERFLOW 195887215 0xbad006f EINVAL CPU min outside valid range
VMK_CPU_MINLIMIT_OVERFLOW 195887216 0xbad0070 EINVAL CPU minLimit outside valid range
VMK_CPU_MAX_OVERFLOW 195887217 0xbad0071 EINVAL CPU max outside valid range
VMK_CPU_MIN_GT_MINLIMIT 195887218 0xbad0072 EINVAL CPU min exceeds minLimit
VMK_CPU_MIN_GT_MAX 195887219 0xbad0073 EINVAL CPU min exceeds max
VMK_CPU_MINLIMIT_LT_RESERVED 195887220 0xbad0074 ENOSPC CPU minLimit less than cpu already reserved by children
VMK_CPU_MAX_LT_RESERVED 195887221 0xbad0075 ENOSPC CPU max less than cpu already reserved by children
VMK_CPU_ADMIT_FAILED 195887222 0xbad0076 ENOSPC Admission check failed for cpu resource
VMK_MEM_MIN_INVALID 195887223 0xbad0077 EINVAL Invalid memory min
VMK_MEM_MINLIMIT_INVALID 195887224 0xbad0078 EINVAL Invalid memory minLimit
VMK_MEM_MAX_INVALID 195887225 0xbad0079 EINVAL Invalid memory max
VMK_MEM_MIN_OVERFLOW 195887226 0xbad007a EINVAL Memory min outside valid range
VMK_MEM_MINLIMIT_OVERFLOW 195887227 0xbad007b EINVAL Memory minLimit outside valid range
VMK_MEM_MAX_OVERFLOW 195887228 0xbad007c EINVAL Memory max outside valid range
VMK_MEM_MIN_GT_MINLIMIT 195887229 0xbad007d EINVAL Memory min exceeds minLimit
VMK_MEM_MIN_GT_MAX 195887230 0xbad007e EINVAL Memory min exceeds max
VMK_MEM_MINLIMIT_LT_RESERVED 195887231 0xbad007f ENOSPC Memory minLimit less than memory already reserved by children
VMK_MEM_MAX_LT_RESERVED 195887232 0xbad0080 ENOSPC Memory max less than memory already reserved by children
VMK_MEM_ADMIT_FAILED 195887233 0xbad0081 ENOSPC Admission check failed for memory resource
VMK_NO_SWAP_FILE 195887234 0xbad0082 ENOENT No swap file
VMK_BAD_PARAM_COUNT 195887235 0xbad0083 EINVAL Bad parameter count
VMK_BAD_PARAM_TYPE 195887236 0xbad0084 EINVAL Bad parameter type
VMK_UNMAP_RETRY 195887237 0xbad0085 ENOMEM Dueling unmaps (ok to retry)
VMK_INVALID_IOCTL 195887238 0xbad0086 ENOTTY Inappropriate ioctl for device
VMK_MAPFAULT_RETRY 195887239 0xbad0087 EBUSY Mmap changed under page fault (ok to retry)
VMK_EINPROGRESS 195887240 0xbad0088 EINPROGRESS Operation now in progress
VMK_ADDR_UNMAPPED 195887241 0xbad0089 EFAULT Address temporarily unmapped
VMK_INVALID_BUDDY_TYPE 195887242 0xbad008a ENOMEM Invalid buddy type
VMK_LPAGE_INFO_NOT_FOUND 195887243 0xbad008b ENOMEM Large page info not found
VMK_LPAGE_INFO_INVALID 195887244 0xbad008c EINVAL Invalid large page info
VMK_SNAPSHOT_DEV 195887245 0xbad008d EIO SCSI LUN is in snapshot state
VMK_IN_TRANSITION 195887246 0xbad008e EIO SCSI LUN is in transition
VMK_TXN_FULL 195887247 0xbad008f ENOSPC Transaction ran out of lock space or log space
VMK_LOCK_NOT_FREE 195887248 0xbad0090 EBUSY Lock was not free
VMK_NUM_FILES_EXCEEDED 195887249 0xbad0091 ENOSPC Exceed maximum number of files on the filesystem
VMK_MIGRATE_VMX_FAILURE 195887250 0xbad0092 EINVAL Migration determined a failure by the VMX
VMK_VSI_LIST_OVERFLOW 195887251 0xbad0093 EFBIG VSI GetList handler overflow
VMK_INVALID_WORLD 195887252 0xbad0094 EINVAL Invalid world
VMK_INVALID_VMM 195887253 0xbad0095 EINVAL Invalid vmm
VMK_INVALID_TXN 195887254 0xbad0096 EINVAL Invalid transaction
VMK_FS_RETRY_OPERATION 195887255 0xbad0097 EAGAIN Transient file system condition, suggest retry
VMK_VCPU_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 195887256 0xbad0098 EINVAL Number of running VCPUs limit exceeded
VMK_INVALID_METADATA 195887257 0xbad0099 EINVAL Invalid metadata
VMK_INVALID_PAGE_NUMBER 195887258 0xbad009a EINVAL Invalid page number
VMK_NOT_EXEC 195887259 0xbad009b ENOEXEC Not in executable format
VMK_NFS_CONNECT_FAILURE 195887260 0xbad009c EHOSTDOWN Unable to connect to NFS server
VMK_NFS_MOUNT_NOT_SUPPORTED 195887261 0xbad009d EINVAL The NFS server does not support MOUNT version 3 over TCP
VMK_NFS_NFS_NOT_SUPPORTED 195887262 0xbad009e EINVAL The NFS server does not support NFS version 3 over TCP
VMK_NFS_MOUNT_DENIED 195887263 0xbad009f EPERM The NFS server denied the mount request
VMK_NFS_MOUNT_NOT_DIR 195887264 0xbad00a0 ENOTDIR The specified mount path was not a directory
VMK_NFS_BAD_FSINFO 195887265 0xbad00a1 EACCES Unable to query remote mount point's attributes
VMK_NFS_VOLUME_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 195887266 0xbad00a2 EINVAL NFS has reached the maximum number of supported volumes
VMK_NO_MEMORY_NICE 195887267 0xbad00a3 ENOMEM Out of nice memory
VMK_MIGRATE_PREEMPTIVE_FAIL 195887268 0xbad00a4 ENOMEM Migration failed to start due to lack of CPU or memory resources
VMK_CACHE_MISS 195887269 0xbad00a5 EFAULT Cache miss
VMK_STRESS_INDUCED_ERROR 195887270 0xbad00a6 EIO Error induced when stress options are enabled
VMK_TOO_MANY_LOCK_HOLDERS 195887271 0xbad00a7 EUSERS Maximum number of concurrent hosts are already accessing this resource
VMK_NO_JOURNAL 195887272 0xbad00a8 EIO Host doesn't have a journal
VMK_RANK_VIOLATION 195887273 0xbad00a9 EDEADLK Lock rank violation detected
VMK_MODULE_FAILED 195887274 0xbad00aa ENODEV Module failed
VMK_NO_MASTER_PTY 195887275 0xbad00ab ENXIO Unable to open slave if no master pty
VMK_NOT_IOABLE 195887276 0xbad00ac EFAULT Not IOAble
VMK_NO_FREE_INODES 195887277 0xbad00ad ENOSPC No free inodes
VMK_NO_MEMORY_FOR_FILEDATA 195887278 0xbad00ae ENOSPC No free memory for file data
VMK_NO_TAR_SPACE 195887279 0xbad00af ENOSPC No free space to expand file or meta data
VMK_NO_FIFO_READER 195887280 0xbad00b0 ENXIO Unable to open writer if no fifo reader
VMK_NO_SUCH_DEVICE 195887281 0xbad00b1 EINVAL No underlying device for major,minor
VMK_MEM_MIN_GT_MEMSIZE 195887282 0xbad00b2 EINVAL Memory min exceeds memSize
VMK_NO_SUCH_VT 195887283 0xbad00b3 ENXIO No virtual terminal for number
VMK_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS 195887284 0xbad00b4 E2BIG Too many elements for list
VMK_SHAREDAREA_MISMATCH 195887285 0xbad00b5 ENOSYS VMM<->VMK shared area mismatch
VMK_EXEC_FAILURE 195887286 0xbad00b6 ESRCH Failure during exec while original state already lost
VMK_INVALID_MODULE 195887287 0xbad00b7 EINVAL Invalid module
VMK_UNALIGNED_ADDRESS 195887288 0xbad00b8 EINVAL Address is not aligned on required boundary
VMK_NOT_MAPPED 195887289 0xbad00b9 ENOMEM Address is not mapped in address space
VMK_NO_MESSAGE_SPACE 195887290 0xbad00ba ENOMEM No space to record a message
VMK_EXCEPTION_HANDLER_INVALID 195887291 0xbad00bb EINVAL Invalid exception handler
VMK_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED 195887292 0xbad00bc EINVAL Exception not handled by exception handler
VMK_INVALID_MULTIWRITER_OBJECT 195887293 0xbad00bd EDEADLK Cannot open sparse/TBZ files in multiwriter mode
VMK_STORAGE_RETRY_OPERATION 195887294 0xbad00be EAGAIN Transient storage condition, suggest retry
VMK_HBA_ERROR 195887295 0xbad00bf EIO Storage initiator error
VMK_TIMER_INIT_FAILED 195887296 0xbad00c0 EINVAL Timer initialization failed
VMK_MODULE_NOT_FOUND 195887297 0xbad00c1 ENOENT Module not found
VMK_NOT_SOCKET_OWNER 195887298 0xbad00c2 EINVAL Socket not owned by cartel
VMK_VSI_HANDLER_NOT_FOUND 195887299 0xbad00c3 ENOENT No VSI handler found for the requested node
VMK_INVALID_MMAPPROTFLAGS 195887300 0xbad00c4 EINVAL Invalid mmap protection flags
VMK_INVALID_MAPCONTIG_SIZE 195887301 0xbad00c5 EINVAL Invalid chunk size for contiguous mmap
VMK_INVALID_MAPCONTIG_MAX 195887302 0xbad00c6 EINVAL Invalid MPN max for contiguous mmap
VMK_INVALID_MAPCONTIG_FLAG 195887303 0xbad00c7 EINVAL Invalid mmap flag on contiguous mmap
VMK_NOT_LAZY_MMINFO 195887304 0xbad00c8 EINVAL Unexpected fault on pre-faulted memory region
VMK_MMINFO_WONT_SPLIT 195887305 0xbad00c9 EINVAL Memory region cannot be split (remap/unmap)
VMK_NO_CACHE_INFO 195887306 0xbad00ca ENOENT Cache Information not available
VMK_CANNOT_REMAP_PINNED_MEMORY 195887307 0xbad00cb EINVAL Cannot remap pinned memory
VMK_NO_SUCH_CARTELGROUP 195887308 0xbad00cc ESRCH No cartel group by that name
VMK_SPLOCKSTATS_DISABLED 195887309 0xbad00cd EINVAL SPLock stats collection disabled
VMK_BAD_TAR_IMAGE 195887310 0xbad00ce EINVAL Boot image is corrupted
VMK_BRANCHED_ALREADY 195887311 0xbad00cf EPERM Branched file cannot be modified
VMK_NAME_RESERVED_FOR_BRANCH 195887312 0xbad00d0 EPERM Name is reserved for branched file
VMK_CANNOT_BRANCH_UNLINKED 195887313 0xbad00d1 EPERM Unlinked file cannot be branched
VMK_MAX_RETRIES_EXCEEDED 195887314 0xbad00d2 EAGAIN Maximum kernel-level retries exceeded
VMK_OPTLOCK_STOLEN 195887315 0xbad00d3 EAGAIN Optimistic lock acquired by another host
VMK_NOT_MMAPABLE 195887316 0xbad00d4 ENODEV Object cannot be mmapped
VMK_INVALID_CPU_AFFINITY 195887317 0xbad00d5 EINVAL Invalid cpu affinity
VMK_DEVICE_NOT_PARTOF_LV 195887318 0xbad00d6 ENXIO Device does not contain a logical volume
VMK_NO_SPACE 195887319 0xbad00d7 ENOSPC No space left on device
VMK_VSI_INVALID_NODE_ID 195887320 0xbad00d8 EINVAL Invalid vsi node ID
VMK_TOO_MANY_USERS 195887321 0xbad00d9 EUSERS Too many users accessing this resource
VMK_EALREADY 195887322 0xbad00da EALREADY Operation already in progress
VMK_BUF_TOO_SMALL 195887323 0xbad00db EINVAL Buffer too small to complete the operation
VMK_SNAPSHOT_DEV_DISALLOWED 195887324 0xbad00dc EACCES Snapshot device disallowed
VMK_LVM_DEVICE_UNREACHABLE 195887325 0xbad00dd EIO LVM device unreachable
VMK_CPU_INVALID_RESOURCE_UNITS 195887326 0xbad00de EINVAL Invalid cpu resource units
VMK_MEM_INVALID_RESOURCE_UNITS 195887327 0xbad00df EINVAL Invalid memory resource units
VMK_ABORTED 195887328 0xbad00e0 ECANCELED IO was aborted
VMK_MEM_MIN_LT_RESERVED 195887329 0xbad00e1 ENOSPC Memory min less than memory already reserved by children
VMK_MEM_MIN_LT_CONSUMED 195887330 0xbad00e2 ENOSPC Memory min less than memory required to support current consumption
VMK_MEM_MAX_LT_CONSUMED 195887331 0xbad00e3 ENOSPC Memory max less than memory required to support current consumption
VMK_TIMEOUT_RETRY_DEPRECATED 195887332 0xbad00e4 ETIMEDOUT Timeout (ok to retry) DEPRECATED
VMK_RESERVATION_LOST 195887333 0xbad00e5 EBUSY Reservation Lost
VMK_FS_STALE_METADATA 195887334 0xbad00e6 ENOENT Cached metadata is stale
VMK_NO_FCNTL_LOCK 195887335 0xbad00e7 ENOLCK No fcntl lock slot left
VMK_NO_FCNTL_LOCK_HOLDER 195887336 0xbad00e8 ENOLCK No fcntl lock holder slot left
VMK_NO_LICENSE 195887337 0xbad00e9 EACCES Not licensed to access VMFS volumes
VMK_VSI_MODULE_NOT_FOUND 195887338 0xbad00ea ENOENT Vmkernel module necessary for this vsi call not loaded
VMK_LVM_RETRY_OPERATION 195887339 0xbad00eb EAGAIN Transient LVM device condition, suggest retry
VMK_SNAPSHOT_LV_INCOMPLETE 195887340 0xbad00ec EAGAIN Snapshot LV incomplete
VMK_MEDIUM_NOT_FOUND 195887341 0xbad00ed EIO Medium not found
VMK_MAX_PATHS_CLAIMED 195887342 0xbad00ee ENOMEM Maximum allowed SCSI paths have already been claimed
VMK_NOT_MOUNTABLE 195887343 0xbad00ef ENODEV Filesystem is not mountable
VMK_MEMSIZE_GT_MEMSIZELIMIT 195887344 0xbad00f0 EINVAL Memory size exceeds memSizeLimit
VMK_RECORD_WRITE_ERROR 195887345 0xbad00f1 EIO An error occurred trying to write to the log
VMK_REPLAY_READ_ERROR 195887346 0xbad00f2 EIO An error occurred trying to read from the log
VMK_REPLAY_TYPE_MISMATCH 195887347 0xbad00f3 EIO There was a type mismatch while reading from the log
VMK_REPLAY_DIVERGENCE 195887348 0xbad00f4 EIO A divergence was detected during replay
VMK_FT_NOT_RESPONDING 195887349 0xbad00f5 ENOTCONN The remote side of an FT pair isn't responding
VMK_NET_REPLAY_ERROR 195887350 0xbad00f6 EIO An error occurred during replay of networking.
VMK_VOBERR_INVALID_VOBID 195887351 0xbad00f7 EINVAL Vob ID invalid
VMK_VOBERR_FMT_LIMIT_EXCEEDED 195887352 0xbad00f8 EFBIG Vob format string too long
VMK_VOBERR_INVALID_FMT_STRING 195887353 0xbad00f9 EINVAL Invalid format specifier in VOB format string
VMK_VOBERR_INVALID_ATTR 195887354 0xbad00fa EINVAL Invalid attribute specifier in VOB format string
VMK_ELF_CORRUPT 195887355 0xbad00fb EINVAL ELF file is corrupt.
VMK_EADDRNOTAVAIL 195887356 0xbad00fc EADDRNOTAVAIL Address not available
VMK_EDESTADDRREQ 195887357 0xbad00fd EDESTADDRREQ Destination address required
VMK_LVM_STALE_METADATA 195887358 0xbad00fe EPERM Cached LVM metadata is stale.
VMK_NO_RPC_TABLE 195887359 0xbad00ff ENOENT RPC table does not exist
VMK_DUPLICATE_UID 195887360 0xbad0100 EEXIST Device already has UID
VMK_UNRESOLVED_SYMBOL 195887361 0xbad0101 ENOENT Unresolved symbol
VMK_DEVICE_NOT_OWNED 195887362 0xbad0102 EINVAL VMkernel does not own the device
VMK_DEVICE_NOT_NAMED 195887363 0xbad0103 EINVAL Device has no name
VMK_EPROTONOSUPPORT 195887364 0xbad0104 EPROTONOSUPPORT Protocol not supported
VMK_EOPNOTSUPP 195887365 0xbad0105 EOPNOTSUPP Operation not supported
VMK_UNDEFINED_VMKCALL 195887366 0xbad0106 ENOSYS Undefined VMKCall
VMK_MIGRATE_MAX_DOWNTIME_EXCEEDED 195887367 0xbad0107 ETIMEDOUT Maximum switchover time for migration exceeded
VMK_LOCK_EXISTS 195887368 0xbad0108 EEXIST Multiple RO/MW locks held by the same host
VMK_MIGRATE_PRECOPY_NO_FORWARD_PROGRESS 195887369 0xbad0109 EINVAL Migration failed due to lack of pre-copy forward progress
VMK_UID_CHANGED 195887370 0xbad010a EEXIST Device UID changed
VMK_VMOTION_CONNECT_FAILED 195887371 0xbad010b ENOTCONN The ESX hosts failed to connect over the VMotion network
VMK_NO_MIGRATION_IN_PROGRESS 195887372 0xbad010c ENOENT No migration in progress
VMK_EXEC_FILE_BUSY 195887373 0xbad010d ETXTBSY File is being executed, write access denied
VMK_FS_TIMEOUT_RETRY 195887374 0xbad010e ETIMEDOUT File system timeout (Ok to retry)
VMK_COW_TIMEOUT_RETRY 195887375 0xbad010f ETIMEDOUT COW timeout (Ok to retry)
VMK_FS_LOCKSTATE_IN_TRANSITION_DEPRECATED 195887376 0xbad0110 EBUSY Lock state is in transition (ok to retry) DEPRECATED
VMK_FS_LOCK_LOST 195887377 0xbad0111 EIO Lost previously held disk lock
VMK_NO_SPACE_ON_DEVICE 195887378 0xbad0112 ENOSPC Underlying device has no free space
VMK_EOVERFLOW 195887379 0xbad0113 EOVERFLOW Value too large for defined data type
VMK_MEM_SHARES_INVALID 195887380 0xbad0114 EINVAL Invalid memory shares
VMK_LVM_INCONSISTENT_LOCKLESSOP 195887381 0xbad0115 EAGAIN LVM lockless op reads in an inconsistent state
VMK_INVALID_SECURITY_LABEL 195887382 0xbad0116 EINVAL Invalid security label
VMK_ACCESS_DENIED 195887383 0xbad0117 EPERM Access denied by vmkernel access control policy
VMK_WORK_COMPLETED 195887384 0xbad0118 EALREADY Work has already completed
VMK_WORK_RUNNING 195887385 0xbad0119 EINPROGRESS Work is currently running
VMK_WORK_PENDING 195887386 0xbad011a EEXIST Work is already pending
VMK_WORK_INVALID 195887387 0xbad011b EINVAL Work or properties provided invalid
VMK_VOBERR_OVERFLOW 195887388 0xbad011c EFBIG VOB context overflow
VMK_VOBERR_INVALID_CONTEXT 195887389 0xbad011d EINVAL VOB context invalid
VMK_VOBERR_LOCK_CONFLICT 195887390 0xbad011e EINVAL VOB context conflict for lock
VMK_RETRY 195887391 0xbad011f EINVAL Retry the operation
VMK_NO_MODULE_HEAP 195887392 0xbad0120 ENOMEM Module has no heap to allocate from
VMK_REMOTE_PAGE_FAULT_FAILURE 195887393 0xbad0121 ENOMEM Remote page fault failure
VMK_VSI_DATA_LENGTH_MISMATCH 195887394 0xbad0122 EIO VSI data length mismatch
VMK_MAPPING_FAILED 195887395 0xbad0123 EFAULT Mapping operation failed
VMK_ATS_MISCOMPARE 195887396 0xbad0124 EINVAL Atomic test and set of disk block returned false for equality
VMK_NO_BUFFERSPACE 195887397 0xbad0125 ENOBUFS No buffer space available
VMK_FT_NOT_RUNNING 195887398 0xbad0126 EINVAL FT vm is not enabled
VMK_LICENSE_MISMATCH 195887399 0xbad0127 EINVAL Incompatible licenses detected
VMK_ELF_UNKNOWN_RELOCATIONS 195887400 0xbad0128 EINVAL ELF file contains invalid relocation types
VMK_MESSAGE_TOO_LONG 195887401 0xbad0129 EMSGSIZE Message too long
VMK_INVALID_NAMESPACE 195887402 0xbad012a ENOENT Invalid or missing namespace
VMK_SHUTTING_DOWN 195887403 0xbad012b EINVAL Operation not allowed because the VMKernel is shutting down
VMK_SKIPPED_FREE 195887404 0xbad012c EINVAL Skipped freeing of resource with no reference
VMK_VMFS_ABORTED 195887405 0xbad012d ECANCELED IO was aborted by VMFS via a virt-reset on the device
VMK_NO_WRITE_ON_TARDISKS 195887406 0xbad012e EPERM Write not allowed on tardisks
VMK_SVM_IO_RETRY 195887407 0xbad012f EBUSY Re-issue IO at a later time
VMK_MODULE_NO_LICENSE 195887408 0xbad0130 ENOENT Module does not provide a license tag
VMK_MODULE_UNKNOWN_LICENSE 195887409 0xbad0131 ENOENT Module provides an unknown license tag
VMK_PERM_DEV_LOSS 195887410 0xbad0132 EIO Device is permanently unavailable
VMK_SE_IO_RETRY 195887411 0xbad0133 EBUSY Reissue IO at a later time for SE disks
VMK_BAD_ADDR_SPACE 195887412 0xbad0134 EINVAL Address space type is not supported for operation
VMK_DMA_MAPPING_FAILED 195887413 0xbad0135 EINVAL DMA mapping could not be completed
VMK_RESERVATION_GT_LIMIT 195887414 0xbad0136 EINVAL Memory pool reservation is greater than limit
VMK_MODULE_NONAMESPACE 195887415 0xbad0137 ENOENT Module tried to export a symbol but didn't provide a name space
VMK_FS_OBJECT_UNLINKED 195887416 0xbad0138 EINVAL File system object is unlinked
VMK_HBR_WIRE_INSTANCE_ABORTED 195887417 0xbad0139 ECANCELED Replication instance was aborted
VMK_HBR_WIRE_NEED_FULL_SYNC 195887418 0xbad013a EINVAL Replicated disk needs full synchronization
VMK_HBR_WIRE_DISK_SET_MISMATCH 195887419 0xbad013b EINVAL The set of disks on the replication server doesn't match
VMK_HBR_WIRE_REQUEST_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH 195887420 0xbad013c EINVAL The checksum for the replication request was invalid
VMK_HBR_WIRE_RESPONSE_CHECKSUM_MISMATCH 195887421 0xbad013d EINVAL The checksum for the replication response was invalid
VMK_HBR_WIRE_GROUP_REMOVED 195887422 0xbad013e ENOENT The replication group was removed on the server side
VMK_HBR_WIRE_GROUP_SESSION_REVOKED 195887423 0xbad013f EEXIST A newer client for this group is connected to the replication server
VMK_HBR_WIRE_PROTOCOL_CORRUPTED 195887424 0xbad0140 EINVAL Corrupt response from replication server
VMK_PORTSET_HANDLE_NOT_MUTABLE 195887425 0xbad0141 EINVAL Portset handle is not mutable
VMK_SUSPEND_IO 195887426 0xbad0142 EINVAL Suspend the IO in question
VMK_NO_WORKING_PATHS 195887427 0xbad0143 EINVAL No working paths to select
VMK_EPROTOTYPE 195887428 0xbad0144 EPROTOTYPE Invalid protocol for connection
VMK_MODULE_CONSUMED_RESOURCE_COUNT_NOT_ZERO 195887429 0xbad0145 EBUSY Consumed resource count of module is not zero
VMK_HBR_SERVER_DOES_NOT_SUPPORT_REQUEST 195887430 0xbad0146 EOPNOTSUPP vSphere Replication Server does not support request
VMK_STALE_FILEHANDLE 195887431 0xbad0147 ESTALE Stale file handle
VMK_VVOL_UNBOUND 195887432 0xbad0148 ENODEV Virtual volume is not bound
VMK_DEVICE_NOT_READY_FAIL_OPEN 195887433 0xbad0149 EPERM Device open failed with no-retry
VMK_NOT_THIS_DEVICE 195887434 0xbad014a EINVAL Not for this device
VMK_IGNORE 195887435 0xbad014b EINVAL Ignore
VMK_OBJECT_DESTROYED 195887436 0xbad014c EINVAL Object is being or has been destroyed
VMK_VVOL_PE_NOT_READY 195887437 0xbad014d EAGAIN Protocol Endpoint not ready for I/O to given secondary level ID
VMK_SCSI_PI_GUARD_ERROR 195887438 0xbad014e EIO T10 PI GUARD tag check failed
VMK_SCSI_PI_REF_ERROR 195887439 0xbad014f EIO T10 PI REF tag check failed
VMK_RES_META_STALE 195887440 0xbad0150 EAGAIN Cached resource metadata is stale
VMK_NOT_PINNED 195887441 0xbad0151 ENOENT Page is not pinned
VMK_BAD_SWAP_SCOPE 195887442 0xbad0152 EINVAL Incorrect swap scope
VMK_CONSUMED_GT_ZERO 195887443 0xbad0153 EINVAL Consumed memory is more than zero
VMK_LOCK_HELD_BY_ZOMBIE_TXN 195887444 0xbad0154 EBUSY Lock held by a transaction in progress
VMK_HBR_WIRE_FILE_IDENTICAL 195887445 0xbad0155 EEXIST The file being sent already exists and is identical
VMK_VOL_ALREADY_MOUNTED 195887446 0xbad0156 EBUSY The volume is already mounted
VMK_NO_VOLUMES 195887447 0xbad0157 ENOMEM Out of volumes
VMK_SB_NOT_FOUND 195887448 0xbad0158 ENOENT Super block not found
VMK_NO_PMEM 195887449 0xbad0159 ENOMEM Out of persistent memory
VMK_OTHER 195887450 0xbad015a EINPROGRESS Another operation is in progress
VMK_CANNOT_SHRINK 195887451 0xbad015b EPERM Shrinking is not allowed
VMK_NOT_A_BASE 195887452 0xbad015c EPERM Not a base disk
VMK_HAS_SNAPSHOTS 195887453 0xbad015d ECHILD Disk has snapshots
VMK_LAST_ERR 195887454 0xbad015e EINVAL Invalid error code
VMK_GENERIC_LINUX_ERROR 732758016 0x2bad0000 EIO Generic service console error
To use vmkerrcode to list details for an individual error code, run the command:
vmkerrcode error_code
Where error_code is either the hexadecimal (hex) or decimal value for the error code of interest. The utility lists the name, decimal, hexadecimal, text error output, and description for that VMK error code.