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Thursday, 25 October 2018

Validation of ESXi Host for Secure Boot Feature

If you are using vSphere 6.5 and later then you can enable Secure Boot Feature but enabling the Secure Boot on the ESXi host where some of the VIB's might not be from compatibility list will cause PSOD. Now the question is how to verfiy whether ESXi is ready for the secure boot or not? You can run a python script in ESXi Shell to verify it and command is :-

/usr/lib/vmware/secureboot/bin/ -c

Thursday, 18 October 2018

Create Custom Dashboard in vROPS 7 - New UI

vROPS 7 has alot of new features. One of the change in vROPS7 is the NEW UI for Custom Dashboard. Now it has Drag and Drop Canvas for Designing Custom Dashboard. Let's see how to use it?

1.  Login in Product UI > Dashboards Page > Actions > Create Dashboard

2. Drag and Drop the Widgets in Design Canvas

3. Click on Edit Settings of the Widget to configure it

4.  Select What is needed > Save it
5. I have added one more widget in design canvas in this example to show object relationship. To configure widget interaction i have configured self provider mode as off

6. To configure Widget Interaction  click on Show Interactions

7.  Drag and Line from Providing Widget to Receiving Widget > Click on Save the Dashboard

Wednesday, 17 October 2018

Custom Metric/Properties Group - vROPS

If there are few metrics and properties those you frequently checks then rather than searching for those metrics in All Metrics Section, you can keep these metrics in your custom group and then whenever you need you can get important metrics easily.

How to Create Custom Metric/Properties Group

Redescribe vROPS Adapter

After installing or updating an adapter with re-describe process finds out the adapter capabilities and updates the Product UI with its details

Credit - VMware

Tuesday, 16 October 2018

Check Number of Objects and Metrics Collected by vROPS Nodes

If you want to know, how many metrics and objects collected by vROPS Nodes Since added in the environment? You can view this in Admin UI.

1. Login in to the vROPS Admin UI
2. System Status > In content Pane, under nodes listing area you can view this information of a specific node.

Monday, 15 October 2018

AWS Services and Categories

In this post i am going to discuss that what are services AWS offers.

1. For this
2. No Need to Login
3. Scroll Down and you will get the list of all categories those are offered by AWS. These are the Categories we have as of now but these are subject to change.

Now lets explore services available in each and every category. Click on Each Category to explore its services

(A). Compute

(B). Storage
(C). Database

(D). Migration
(E). Networking & Content Delivery
(F). Developer Tools
(G). Management Tools
(H). Media Services

(I). Security, Identity & Compliance
(J). Analytics
(K). Machine Learning

(L). Mobile Services

(M). AR/VR
(N). Application Integration
(O). Customer Engagement
(P). Business Productivity
(Q). Desktop and App Streaming
(R). IOT
(S). Game Development
(T). AWS Cost Management

AWS Global Infrastructure

AWS Global Infrastructure Includes
1. Regions
2. Availability Zones
3. Edge Locations

Image Credit: AWS
The AWS Cloud spans 55 Availability Zones within 18 geographic Regions and 1 Local Region around the world, with announced plans for 12 more Availability Zones and four more Regions in Bahrain, Hong Kong SAR, Sweden, and a second AWS GovCloud Region in the US.

Region = AWS Regions provide multiple, physically separated and isolated Availability Zones which are connected with low latency, high throughput, and highly redundant networking. Each Region Consists two or more availability zones. Regions are selected  to satisfy performance requirements like low latency and to satisfy specific regulatory requirements.
Availability Zones (AZs) = Availability Zones offer AWS customers an easier and more effective way to design and operate applications and databases, making them more highly available, fault tolerant, and scalable than traditional single datacenter infrastructures or multi-datacenter infrastructures.

AWS Local Region = For customers who specifically need to replicate their data or applications over greater geographic distances, there are AWS Local Regions. An AWS Local Region is a single datacenter designed to complement an existing AWS Region. Like all AWS Regions, AWS Local Regions are completely isolated from other AWS Regions.

North America Region
Image Credit: AWS
 South America Region
Image Credit: AWS
Europe/Middle-East/Africa Region
Image Credit: AWS

Asia Pacific
Image Credit: AWS
Edge Location = It is the location where end users are located to access services. This uses AWS CloudFront to offer the services to end users with low latency. Amazon CloudFront uses a global network of 136 Points of Presence (125 Edge Locations and 11 Regional Edge Caches) in 62 cities across 29 countries.
Image Credit: AWS
Image Credit: AWS

Services Offerings in Different Regions

Information Source and For Info Refer

AWS Documentation Access > More > documentation

How to Create AWS Free Tier Account

1. Open this link

2. Click on Create an AWS Account
Login with your account or Create the New One

3. Click on Create Free Tier Account > Select Free Plan

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam Overview

Link for booking this Exam

Download Exam Guide, Sample Questions Guide & Additional Resources Guide
1. First Open this link >>>>>
2.  Click on these options available on right hand side area of the page

Schedule the Exam
1. First Open this link >>>>>
2.  Click on this option available at the top of the page

Exam Cost
100 USD

Exam Duration
90 Minutes

Exam Code

Exam Languages
Simplified Chinese

Is it Online or Testing Center Based Exam
Testing Center Based Exam

Question Types
1. Multiple Choice Questions with Single Response
2. Multiple Choice Questions with Multiple Responses

Topics Weightage
Check Exam Guide for more details about these Categories Contents

Training Available for Exam Preparation