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Friday, 30 June 2017

Error in Registering vSphere Replication with vCenter "com.vmware.vr-9df5b871-1bc5-4891-b7cb-d30d93b3becb"

I was facing an issue today while registering vSphere Replication with vCenter. When i was trying to register it, i was getting this error "com.vmware.vr-9df5b871-1bc5-4891-b7cb-d30d93b3becb"

This issue occurs because an existing vSphere Replication solution user is registered with VMware vCenter Server.

To resolve this issue, unregister the previous vSphere Replication extension from vCenter Server.

To unregister an extension from vCenter Server:

1. Log in to the vCenter Server managed object browser (MOB). The URL for the MOB is https://vCenter_FQDN/mob .
2. Click content > ServiceContent > content.
3. Click extensionManager > ManagedObjectReference:ExtensionManager > ExtensionManager.
4. Under Methods, select void UnregisterExtension.
5. Click extensionKey (required)string and enter com.vmware.vcHms .
6. Click Invoke.
7. Log in to vCenter Single Sign-on as administrator@vsphere.local . 
Note:Replace vsphere.local with the name of your vCenter Single Sign-on domain if you have defined a custom name.
8. Navigate to Administration > Users > Solution Users.

Remove the vSphere Replication solution user. This user should contain vr in the user name.
Rerun the registration process for vSphere Replication.

Tuesday, 27 June 2017

ISCSI Target Service in VMware Virtual SAN 6.5 & 6.6 Step by Step Configuration

With VSAN 6.5 VMware introduced new cool feature ISCSI Target Service. Use the iSCSI target service to enable hosts and physical workloads that reside outside the Virtual SAN cluster to access the Virtual SAN datastore. This feature enables an iSCSI initiator on a remote host to transport block-level data to an iSCSI target on a storage device in the Virtual SAN cluster.
After you configure the Virtual SAN iSCSI target service, you can discover the Virtual SAN iSCSI targets from a remote host. To discover Virtual SAN iSCSI targets, use the IP address of any host in the Virtual SAN cluster, and the TCP port of the iSCSI target. To ensure high availability of the Virtual SAN iSCSI target, configure multipath support for your iSCSI application. You can use the IP addresses of two or more hosts to configure the multipath.

Virtual SAN iSCSI target service does not support other vSphere or ESXi clients or initiators, third party hypervisors, or migrations using raw device mapping (RDMs).

Virtual SAN iSCSI target service supports the following CHAP authentication methods:
In CHAP authentication, the target authenticates the initiator, but the initiator does not authenticate the target.
Mutual CHAP
In mutual CHAP authentication, an additional level of security enables the initiator to authenticate the target.

Description of Few Terms Used in VSAN ISCSI Environment 

iSCSI Targets
You can add one or more iSCSI targets that provide storage blocks as logical unit numbers (LUNs). Virtual SAN identifies each iSCSI target by a unique iSCSI qualified Name (IQN). You can use the IQN to present the iSCSI target to a remote iSCSI initiator so that the initiator can access the LUN of the target.
Each iSCSI target contains one or more LUNs. You define the size of each LUN, assign a Virtual SAN storage policy to each LUN, and enable the iSCSI target service on a Virtual SAN cluster. You can configure a storage policy to use as the default policy for the home object of the Virtual SAN iSCSI target service.

iSCSI Initiator Groups
You can define a group of iSCSI initiators that have access to a specified iSCSI target. The iSCSI initiator group restricts access to only those initiators that are members of the group. If you do not define an iSCSI initiator or initiator group, then each target is accessible to all iSCSI initiators.
A unique name identifies each iSCSI initiator group. You can add one or more iSCSI initiators as members of the group. Use the IQN of the initiator as the member initiator name.

Procedure to Configure VSAN ISCSI Target

1. Enable the ISCSI Target Service. By default this is disabled

  Select VSAN Cluster > Configure Tab >  ISCSI Targets

  Select VSAN Cluster > Configure Tab > General > Edit

Select Enable VSAN iSCSI Target Service > Select VMKernel Port for ISCSI Network > OK

 2. Once Service is Enabled, Add the iSCSI Target and LUN to the ISCSI Target > OK

3. Now i am going to access this LUN in my Windows OS. Configure ISCSI Initiator of Windows OS. Note down the Owner Host detail from VSAN ISCSI Target >  Specify it in ISCSI Initiator > Quick Connect > Status is listed as connected > Done

4. Access Server Manager > File and Storage Services > Volumes > Disks > Verify New disk is listed there. Now format it and use it in your windows os.

Thursday, 22 June 2017

Current Data Centre Challenges for Businesses and How to Address Them? Vembu LIVE Webinar

Are you curious to learn about the current Data Centre Challenges for Businesses?
You will get to learn,
  • How fast can I recover the data center during the disaster?
  • How can I avoid data loss during DR?
  • How can I rely on my backups?
  • Exponential data growth
  • Migration Plans - P2V and V2V
 Link to Register for Live Webinar :- Click Here

Tuesday, 20 June 2017

Heartbeat Port Configuration Check at vCenter and ESXi

ESXi sends an heartbeat to vCenter Server over UDP port 902 to signal that host is accessible over management network. This is default for heartbeat communication, although this can be changed at vCenter and ESXi. When ESXi host intermittently disconnects from vCenter, then one of possible cause is port misconfiguration either at ESXi or vCenter. So in this post i am going to share how can you check, heartbeat port configuration?

Check Heartbeat Port Configuration at vCenter Server
In Appliance based vCenter you can check this, not only from vSphere Web Client. This can be checked from vpxd.cfg file and the location of this file is /etc/vmware-vpx/vpxd.cfg, by connecting with vCenter Server Shell.

Check Heartbeat Port Configuration at ESXi Host
Open /etc/vmware/vpxa/vpxa.cfg file, and review the port configuration

So this is how you can port configuration details at both ESXi and vCenter.

Friday, 16 June 2017

vCSA 6.5 a.k.a vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 Restore From Backup Step by Step

In my previous post i have discussed about how to take vCSA 6.5 a.k.a vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 Backup Step by Step. Now lets discuss the restore from this backup step by step.

Procedure to Restore the Backup
1. Launch the Restore screen by executing the installer.exe of vCenter Server Appliance Deployment Media > Click on Restore

2. Stage 1 will be started and this will deploy the new vCenter Server Appliance > Click on Next

3. Accept the License Agreement > Click on Next

4. Provide the Location of backup and authentication details > Click on Next

5. Review the Information > Click on Next

6. Specify Target ESXi Details where this appliance will be deployed > Click on Next

7. Click on Yes

8. Specify new vCenter Server Appliance VM Name and Root account Password > Click on Next

9. Specify the Deployment Size > Click on Next

10. Select Datastore and Provisioning Method as Needed > Click on Next

11. Specify the IP for your vCenter Server Appliance (It is not possible to use same IP, if same IP vCenter is still active) > Click on Next

12. Click on Finish

13. This will start the deployment of the appliance

14. Once deployment is completed. Click on Continue to start the Stage 2

15. Click on Next

16. Click on Next

17. Click on Finish

18. Click on OK

19. This will now begin the restore process

20. Once Restore is Completed Successfully. You can start using new vCenter Server Appliance.

Thursday, 15 June 2017

vCSA 6.5 a.k.a vCenter Server Appliance 6.5 Backup Step by Step

As we know, vSphere 6.5 bundled with couple of new features. One of the "OUT-OF-BOX" feature is file level backup of vCenter Server Appliance. This backup can be done without using any third party tool. This feature is exclusively available only in vCenter Appliance not in Windows based vCenter.

Procedure to Take vCSA 6.5 backup
1. Connect with VAMI of vCSA
VAMI = Virtual Appliance Management Interface
Open web browser (Google Chrome Preferred) > https://vcsafqdnorIP:5480 > Username = root, Password = As Configured > Login

2. Click on the Backup Button

3.  Select the Protocol, Location, Port Number, Username, Password > Click on Next
Protocols Supported = HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SCP
Optionally You can Encrypt the data with AES 256 Encryption by providing password. Password used for encryption is not stored anywhere, so if lost no way to recover those backup files.

4. You can select parts to backup as listed below > Click on Next

5. Click on Finish

6. Review the Backup Progress

7. Click on OK once it is completed

Note : If you are trying to take the backup again to the same location, you will get the error message "Location xxxxxxxxxxxxx is not Empty". Select new location to take the vcsa backup again

Files Created by this Backup Procedure @ My FTP Server

Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Vembu Cloud Services - Free Edition

Vembu Cloud Services is a simple and cost-effective backup and recovery solution to protect the data of Small and Medium businesses and letting the IT administrators to Backup their Physical and Virtual machines directly to Vembu Cloud. The flexible recovery options of Vembu cloud, enable the businesses to recover easily during the disaster scenarios and helps in achieving business continuity. Vembu Cloud, which is residing on Amazon Web Services focusses mainly on the security of the backed up data, with the data being encrypted both in transit and at rest.
With hybrid cloud deployment using Vembu CloudDR, the disaster recovery can be made simple by keeping one copy of backed up data at local data centre while the other copy at Vembu Cloud.
Sign-Up Now

Thursday, 1 June 2017

Top vBlog 2017 Voting is Started Now - Vote for your Favorite Blogger

It's time to Vote for your Favorite Blog. Eric Siebert  owner of launched it's popular Top vBlog 2017 Contest. Here <<<<<Top vBlog 2017 Contest>>>>> you can find more information about this contest and the last date to submit your vote is 30th June 2017. If you find any blog that is listed there has helped you, then spare 5 minutes from your busy schedule to vote for that blog to show your gratitude towards blogger.
Image Credit: (Eric Siebert)
My blog is listed there too, Please Vote for my blog. If you really like the articles/info available on my blog, you can participate in voting to vote for my blog Virtualization The Future

Voting Procedure is Given below:- 

To Vote Click <<<<<Here>>>>>
1. Select exactly 12 blogs from the given list.
2. Next, Rank these blogs, Rank scale is 1 - 12 where Rank 12 is the lowest and Rank 1 is the Highest
3. Now you can choose your favorite blogs under different categories, these are independent of General Voting.
4. Provide your Name and Email ID (required only for validation of your vote). Don't worry it will not be shared publicly.