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Tuesday, 29 May 2018

Some FAQs Related to NSX Logical Switch

What is Impact of Deletion of Logical Switch
VNI gets released by it.

What if New Logical Switch Created Post Old Logical Switch Deletion
New Logical Switch Will reuse this released VNI (that was released by old Logical Switch Deletion)

Monday, 28 May 2018

Nice System Scale Dashboard in NSX 6.4

Have you noticed System  Scale Dashboard in NSX 6.4? If not, check it today in your NSX Environment. It looks like as given below:

The System Scale dashboard collects information about the current system scale and displays the configuration maximums for the supported scale parameters. You can configure a warning threshold for the alerts when the system scale exceeds the configured threshold value. When the threshold is crossed, system event is generated which is used to set up notifications. This information is also logged and included in the support bundle.
If the current value exceeds a specified threshold percentage, a warning indicator is displayed to alert that the maximum supported scale is approaching. A red indicator shows that configuration maximum is reached. The listing is sorted in descending order of the current scale percent value which ensures that the warning indicators are always displayed at the top.
The data is collected every hour to verify if the threshold values are exceeding the limits, and creates an indicator when the thresholds are exceeded. The information is logged twice a day to the NSX Manager technical support logs.
System events are generated when the following conditions occur:

  • A warning event when a parameter crosses the threshold limit.
  • A critical event when a parameter crosses the supported system scale configuration.
  • An informational event when a parameter comes below the threshold value.

Retrieve Current Scale Threshold Limits for All Parameters
You can find out the current and the supported system scale configuration using the GET /api/2.0/capacity-parameters/report API. The API output displays scale summary, current scale value, supported system scale value, and the threshold value for each parameter.
Configure Scale Threshold for the System
You can set the scale threshold limit for your system.
To configure the threshold limit:
  1. Retrieve the global system threshold using the GET /api/2.0/capacity-parameters/thresholds API. For example, the API output shows global threshold as 80. It means the System Scale dashboard displays Usage Warning Threshold as 80%.
By default, the global threshold value is set at 80.
  1. To change the system threshold, use the PUT /api/2.0/capacity-parameters/thresholds API. For example, you change the global threshold value to 70. Now the System Scale dashboard displays Usage Warning Threshold as 70%.

vCenter Deployment Mode Impact on NSX - SSO Integration

Integrating the single sign on (SSO) service with NSX improves the security of user authentication for vCenter users and enables NSX to authenticate users from other identity services such as AD, NIS, and LDAP.

With SSO, NSX supports authentication using authenticated Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) tokens from a trusted source via REST API calls. NSX Manager can also acquire authentication SAML tokens for use with other VMware solutions.

SSO service must be installed on the vCenter Server.
NTP server must be specified so that the SSO server time and NSX Manager time is in sync.


Log in to the NSX Manager virtual appliance.

Under Appliance Management, click Manage Settings.

Click NSX Management Service.

Click Edit next to Lookup Service.

Type the name or IP address of the host that has the lookup service.

Change the port number if required. The default port is 7444.
The Lookup Service URL is displayed based on the specified host and port.

Type the vCenter administrator user name and password (for example, administrator@vsphere.local).
This enables NSX Manager to register itself with the Security Token Service server.

Click OK.
Confirm that the Lookup Service status is Connected.

What is the Impact of NSX-SSO Integration when vCenter is Using Embedded PSC?
SSO Users or SSO Integrated Domain Users cannot access NSX Manager through REST API Calls or vSphere Web Client when vCenter is not available as PSC too will not be available in this case.


What is the Impact of NSX-SSO Integration when vCenter is Using External PSC?
SSO Users or SSO Integrated Domain Users can still access NSX Manager through REST API Calls when vCenter is not available but PSC is available and they cannot access it through vSphere Web Client as this client resides in vCenter Server too.