When i was installing vRA 8 in my Test Environment, it was failing again and again. I have tried couple of time but it was failing at same stage then i searched VMware Documentation and Found it is One of Known Issue. Lets see how to fix it:-
1. My installation was getting Failed. Then i logged in to vRealize Lifecycle Manage and have seen this error message
2. I have checked VMware Documentation and find this KB
https://kb.vmware.com/s/article/76870?lang=en_US&queryTerm=76870. I followed this KB Step by Step :-
(A) Login to vRA through SSH Client (Example Putty)
kubectl -n prelude get pods
The status of the vco-app pod is
(B) Confirm the error by running the following command on the appliance:
kubectl -n prelude logs vco-app-<ID from previous command> -c install-rpms
You are required to change your password immediately (password expired)
groupadd: PAM: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required
useradd: group 'vco' does not exist
error: %prein(vco-server- scriptlet failed, exit status 6
error: vco-server- install failed
(C) Take the backup of deployment.yaml file by following steps given below
(D) Edit deployment.yaml file. I have used VI editor
vi deployment.yaml
Press "I"
edit the line /init_run.sh = add this "sed -i 's/root:.*/root:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow && sed -i 's/vco:.*/vco:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow &&
"sed -i 's/root:.*/root:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow && sed -i 's/vco:.*/vco:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow && /init_run.sh"
(E) If you are deploying outside of vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager, follow these steps:
Navigate to /opt/scripts/
Execute the script deploy.sh
If you are deploying through vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager, follow these steps:
Log back into Lifecycle Manager and 'Retry' the deployment that failed.