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Saturday, 29 February 2020

Cloud Providers and Operating Systems Supported by Cloud-Init and CloudBase-Init

Cloud-Init and CloudBase-Init offers quickest way to customize operating systems. Cloud-Init is for Linux Distributions and CloudBase-Init is for Windows Distributions. Here is link where one can find the list of Cloud Providers and Operating Systems supports these tools.



Friday, 14 February 2020

VMware vRealize Auotmation 8.0 Deployment Failed - Known Issue

When i was installing vRA 8 in my Test Environment, it was failing again and again. I have tried couple of time but it was failing at same stage then i searched VMware Documentation and Found it is One of Known Issue. Lets see how to fix it:-

1. My installation was getting Failed. Then i logged in to vRealize Lifecycle Manage and have seen this error message

2. I have checked VMware Documentation and find this KB I followed this KB Step by Step :-

(A) Login to vRA through SSH Client (Example Putty)
kubectl -n prelude get pods

The status of the vco-app pod is CrashLoopBackOff

(B)   Confirm the error by running the following command on the appliance:

kubectl -n prelude logs vco-app-<ID from previous command> -c install-rpms
You are required to change your password immediately (password expired)
groupadd: PAM: Authentication token is no longer valid; new one required
useradd: group 'vco' does not exist
error: %prein(vco-server- scriptlet failed, exit status 6
error: vco-server- install failed

(C) Take the backup of deployment.yaml file by following steps given below

(D) Edit deployment.yaml file. I have used VI editor
vi deployment.yaml
Press "I"
edit the line / = add this "sed -i 's/root:.*/root:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow && sed -i 's/vco:.*/vco:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow &&

"sed -i 's/root:.*/root:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow && sed -i 's/vco:.*/vco:x:18135:0:99999:7:::/g' /etc/shadow && /"

(E) If you are deploying outside of vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager, follow these steps:

    Navigate to /opt/scripts/
    Execute the script

If you are deploying through vRealize Suite Lifecycle Manager, follow these steps:

    Log back into Lifecycle Manager and 'Retry' the deployment that failed.

Tuesday, 11 February 2020

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Service Broker - Request Items - Part 5

As a vRealize Automation Service Broker consumer, you deploy a catalog item that was imported from vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly, Amazon Cloud Formation, and other sources so that you can deploy it as part of your work processes.

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Request Items from Service Catalog in Service Broker

1. Login to vRA = https://vRAFQDNorIP > Click on Service Broker Under Services

2. Catalog Tab > Click on Request

 3. Enter the Details > Submit

4. Deployment will be started, You can check the deployment status from deployments tab > Wait for few Minutes

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Service Broker - Configure Policies - Part 4

To provide the background management of your deployments, you set up policies. Each vRealize Automation Service Broker policy is a set of rules or parameters that are applied to deployments, freeing the cloud administrator for other tasks.

Any policies that you create in vRealize Automation Service Broker are applied to the deployments in vRealize Automation Service Broker and in vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly.

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Configure Policies in Service Broker

1. Login to vRA = https://vRAFQDNorIP > Click on Service Broker Under Services

2. Content and Policies Tab > Policies > Definitions > New Policy >

3. vRealize Automation Service Broker includes the following policy types.

You use lease policies to control how long deployments are available to users. For example, you create a policy where all deployments are destroyed after 30 days unless the user extends the lease.

Day 2 actions
You use day 2 actions policies to control what changes users can make to deployments. For example, you create a policy that allows users to power off and power on their deployments.

If NO Day 2 actions policy is created, then all the Day 2 Actions will be available at your Deployment

4. Configure Lease Policy > Create

5. Configure Day-2 Actions Policy > Create

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Service Broker - Configure Content Sharing - Part 3

You can make vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly blueprints available in the vRealize Automation Service Broker catalog by adding a vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly content source and sharing the blueprints.

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Configure Content Sharing in Service Broker

1. Login to vRA = https://vRAFQDNorIP

2.  Content and Policies Tab > Content Sharing > Select Project >  Add > Select Content Source > Save

3. Content will be listed Now (Only Released Blueprints from the Selected Project)

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Service Broker - Add Content Sources - Part 2

You can make vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly blueprints available in the vRealize Automation Service Broker catalog by adding a vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly content source.

Configuration Workflow =
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Add Content Source in Service Broker for Cloud Assembly Blueprint 

1. Login to vRA = https://vRAFQDNorIP > Click on Service Broker Under Services

2. Content and Policies Tab > Content Sources > New

3. Select Type = Cloud Assembly Blueprint, Configure Name and Description, Select Project > Click on Validate > Create and Import

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Service Broker - Release Blueprint in Cloud Assembly - Part 1

Blueprints that you are importing are deployable and released in vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly before you import it.

Release Blueprint in Cloud Assembly

1. Login to vRA = https://vRAFQDNorIP > Click on Service Broker Under Services

2. Blueprints Tab > Click on Blueprint Name to Edit it > Version Button > Configure Version Number and Description > Select Release this Blueprint to the Catalog > Create

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Service Broker - Configuration Workflow

The vRealize Automation Service Broker provides a single point where you can request and manage catalog items.

Configuration Workflow of Service Broker

 This is the process used to used Publish Blueprint in Service Catalog

Monday, 10 February 2020

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Cloud Assembly - Blueprints - Part 7

Blueprints are specifications that define virtual machines, applications, and services on cloud resources.

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Create New Blueprint in vRA 8

1. Login to vRA 8 = Https://vRAFQDNorIP

2. Blueprints > New

3. Enter Blueprint Name, Description, Map Project, Configure Blueprint sharing in Service Broker > Create

4. Design Your Blueprint as per the Use-Case

5. Configure the YAML Code as Needed. In this example i have provided image name and mapped the flavor. I have not specified any network portgroup name due to this it will randomly select portgroup for VM connectivity.

6. Test Your Blueprint Configuration by Clicking on Test Button, if test is completed successfully then Deploy VM from it by Clicking Deploy Button

7. Click on Deploy > Enter Deployment Name (Note: This is not VM Name), Blueprint Version and Description > Deploy > It will take few minutes

8. Once VM Deployment is Successfully Completed, you can check VM details from left side area > Close

vRA Resource Type Schema for Blueprints

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Cloud Assembly - Image Mapping - Part 6

A vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly image map is where you use natural language to define target deployment operating systems for a specific cloud account/region.

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Create New Image Mapping in vRA 8

1. Login to vRA 8 = Https://vRAFQDNorIP

2. Infrastructure Tab > Configure > Image Mappings > New Image Mapping

3. Configure Image Name, Cloud Account, Select Image from Selected Cloud Account > Click on Create

4. Once Image Mapping is Created, It will be listed in Image Mappings

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Cloud Assembly - Flavor Mapping - Part 5

A vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly flavor map is where you use natural language to define target deployment sizes for a specific cloud account/region.

Flavor maps express the deployment sizes (T-Shirt Sizing) that make sense for your environment. For Example Small, Medium or Large.

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Create New Flavor Mapping in vRA 8

1. Login to vRA 8 = Https://vRAFQDNorIP

2. Infrastructure Tab > Configure > Flavor Mappings > New Flavor Mapping

3. Configure Flavor Name, Select Cloud Account , CPU and Memory Sizing > Create

4. Flavor Will be Listed in Flavor Mappings Once Created

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Cloud Assembly - Projects - Part 4

Projects in vRA 8 controls who has access to vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly blueprints and where the blueprints are deployed. You use projects to organize and govern what your users can do and to what cloud zones they can deploy blueprints in your cloud infrastructure.

Cloud administrators set up the projects, to which they can add users and cloud zones. Anyone who creates and deploys blueprints must be a member of at least one project.

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Create New Project in vRA 8

1. Login to vRA 8 = Https://vRAFQDNorIP

2. Infrastructure Tab > Configure > Projects > New Project

3. Summary Tab > Configure Project Name and Description

4. Users Tab > Add User Groups > Assign Project Administrator and Member Role to User Groups > Add

5. Project Admins and Members will be listed in Users Tab

6. Provisioning Tab > Click on Add Cloud Zone to Map Cloud Zone with Project > Select Cloud Zone > Add

7. Configure Kubernetes details in Kubernetes Provisioning Tab, if needed > Create

8. Project once created will be listed in Projects

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - AD Integration with vIDM/WorkSpace One Access

In vRA 8 vIDM is separate virtual appliance, It offers AD/LDAP Integration for vRA Environment too.

AD Integration with vIDM

1. Login to vIDM = https://vIDMFQDN
Username = configadmin
Password = As Configured

2. Identity & Access Management > Directories > Add Directory > Add Active Directory over LDAP/IWA

3. Enter Domain Details > Save & Next

4. Click on Next


6. Add OU for syncing Groups > Click on Next

7. Click on Next

8. Click on Sync Directory

9. Review the Sync Status

VMware vRealize Automation 8 - Cloud Assembly - Cloud Zone - Part 3

Cloud zone is a set of resources within a cloud account type such as AWS or vSphere.

Cloud zones in a specific account region are where your blueprints deploy workloads. Each cloud zone is associated with a vRealize Automation Cloud Assembly project.

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How to Create New Cloud Zone

1. Login to vRA = Https://vRAFQDNorIP
2. Infrastructure Tab > Configure > Cloud Zone > New Cloud Zone

3.  Configure the Required Details at Summary Tab

4. Select Compute Cluster or Individual Hosts for Provisioning the new VMs

5. At this moment no Project will be available under Project Tab as Projects are not yet created > Click on Create

6. Once Created it will listed in Cloud Zones